Decision ~ You change the subject

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Decision ~ you lie and change the subject

Your Pov

"Wait, what were you saying about a man and a cliff?" Josh asked seriously.

A light bulb lit up in my mind as I remembered.

"I-i can't remember.. I must have been seeing things." I lie quietly. I decided it was best for them not to know about the strange man, so they wouldn't worry any more than they already are.

Josh narrowed his eyes and then looked away, nodding slightly.

"What the fuck do you mean you can't remember? You were right out there and last I checked your eyes worked fine so tell us the goddamn truth." Emily spat.

"I am telling I truth." I glared.

"Oh my god you're so pathetic, C'mon Mike let's go upstairs, I could use a little fun." Emily dragged Mike along behind her as she went up the stairs.

"You are telling the truth. Right?" Josh asked quietly. I gulped and nodded slowly. Josh bit his lip and nodded again, pondering my words.

"I'm going to call the police." Ashley said. "To tell them what happened."

We all nodded as she left to make her call. I was starting to feel really guilty about lying to the gang but I had to. Right? They wouldn't have believed me. They would have accused me of seeing things.

I bit my lip and stared at the floor. I just wanted to get of this mountain and never return. I didn't want to see Sam or Ash or Chris or any of the others. I wanted to be alone. I needed to be alone. I needed to disappear.

So that's exactly what I did.


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