Chapter Ten~

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The three continued to walk with Turtlekit in the lead. The black she-kit held her head high, green eyes sparking with the prospect of adventure.

Blazekit gaped at a bird, which flew down onto a log placed on the edge of the path. It's wings fluttering as it landed.

"Bet you a moon of fresh kill, I could catch it." Turtlekit growled over her shoulder.

The brown tabby tom shook his head, "You couldn't catch a cold. Let alone a thrush."

"Watch me." Turtlekit hissed, crouching down, she sprawled against the ground.

"You look like a dead frog." Blazekit teased, placing a paw n the she-kits tail, flattening it to the leaves on the ground.

While Turtlekit leaped to her paws, spinning around to snap at Blazekit, the thrush lifted is head from where it was struggling to break into an acorn.

It dropped the acorn, tilting its head towards where the two kits were arguing in the bushes. Spreading its wing out, the thrush readied to fly up towards the nearest branch, safely out of reach of the three kits.

Phoeinxkit shot through the bracken, charging after the thrush.

"Wha-" Blazekit looked up from where he was teasing Turtlekit, to see Phoenixkit vanish through the bushes.

The ginger tabby took a huge leap as the bird let out a squawk of alarm. Flinging herself at the bird, Pheonixkit tackled it off the log, crashing into the ground below.

Turtlekit shared a look of alarm with Blazekit, before springing over the bush, "Phoenixkit?"

No answer.

"Phoenixkit?" Blazekit padded forwards to stand beside the black she-kit, his clear amber eyes wide and burnished, whiskers flattened with alarm.

As if on cue, the she-kit's head popped up over the side of the log, the thrush dangling from her small jaws, her sapphire eyes bulged out of her head at the wight of the bird.

"You caught it!" Turtlekit yelped, running towards her friend to admire the bird.

Blazekit stared at his sister in shock.

Phoenixkit scrambled to step over the log, her small frame only half the size of the wooden perch. With a grunt, she slid over the edge, landing with a huff in front of Turtlekit.

"Anyone care for something to eat?" She meowed, brushing feathers from her nose as she pawed at her muzzle.

Turtlekit stared at Phoenixkit, her emerald eyes wide in admiration.

"That was awesome!" She yelped, padding around a rather dazed Phoenixkit, "How did you learn to jump like that? Who taught you how to hunt? The bird didn't know what hit him!"

Phoenixkit said nothing to answer the questions, only puffed out her chest fur and purred at her den-mates praise.

Blazekit flicked his ear crossly, "Let's eat the thrush, then keep moving."

"With pleasure!" Turtlekit purred, dipping her head to take a huge bite of the bird, her muzzle covered in feathers as she lifted her head, "Delicious!"

"It's a bird." Blazekit grumbled, "They all taste the same."

Phoenixkit looked away, her ears lowered in degradation at her brothers comment

"So?" Turtlekit swallowed her mouthful, "Just because it's the same bird, doesn't mean they don't taste different."

Blazekit opened his mouth to voice his opinion, but Turtlekit cut him off, "And I don't mean because they're sick and stuff. Prey that Stormcloud brings home, it tastes a lot better than prey that the apprentices bring to the nursery, because it was caught by my father. He took time out of his day to catch prey for me and my siblings. So the prey tastes significantly better when caught by family and friends."

Blazekit closed his mouth thoughtfully, before nodding, "You're right. I didn't think anything intelligent could come out of your mouth, but I guess I was wrong."

"Hey!" Turtlekits fur bristled, "What's that supposed to mean?!"

The tom-kit narrowed his eyes, "I means you can't think strait."

Turtlekit stiffed, letting out a hot breath of air, "Sarcasm fall from my mouth, stupidity's dispensed from yours."

"No." Blazekit snapped, "You just have an attitude problem."

Turtlekit smirked, "I just have a personality you can't handle."

"You're mentor might have a problem then." The brown kit purred, before taking a bite of the bird.

The three sat down in a patch of ferns, munching into the thrush Phoenixkit caught. Turtlekit leaped to her paws to empathizes a point, her tail lashing as she jumped into the air, clawing at the sky.

"Hey Phoenixkit." The brown tom mumbled, as Turtlekit ranted about Blazekit not being smart, "Thanks for the prey."

Phoenixkit blinked in surprise, her gaze flooding with compassion, "You would've done the same."

Blazekit nodded, leaning against his sister, "You're going to be a great warrior Phoenixkit."

"You too Blazekit." The she-kit purred.

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