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Wind ripped through the trees, shaking the very roots of the ancient oaks. The clouds above were a dark gray, almost black. But in a ear shattering instant, it was alight with a cold fire, thunder roaring above.

Rain pelted from the sky like pebbles of clear water, soaking the leaves and bracken. The lake rippled furiously, splashing giant waves up against the shore.

Place in a hollow under the sky of lightning, a tom sat, his head down as he waiting in the center of the clearing. No one else accompanied him, as he sat alone, his clear amber eyes resting on a den placed in front of him.

His dark tabby fur was pressed against his side, the rain feeling like shards of stone stabbing against his fur. But even as another crack of light erupted from the sky, he stayed staring at the den across from him.

A yowl split the night air, making the tom flinch, his eyes darkening as he shifted his paws. The rain continued, the brown tabby unable to sit any longer. The water pooled under his claws, making him lash his tail in worry and impatience.

Sapphire eyes lit the darkness of the warriors den. Taking a tentative step forward, a white muzzle appeared from the den, disappearing for a moment before a silver she-cat padded out, stiffening at the water that rippled from her paws like crinkling autumn leaves.

The tom glanced over his shoulder, nodding to the she-cat before resting his gaze back towards the nursery.

"Tigerheart." She mumbled, her fur already soaked from crossing the hollow, "Why do you stand and wait?"

The toms amber eyes shimmered, "Ivypool...." He mumbled his mew rumbling in his throat, "I can't sleep. Dovewing's pain seems to be echoing through my head like the thunder above."

Ivypool dipped her wide white head, "Then go see her."

"Jayfeather wont allow it." Tigerheart looked skeptical, "Alderheart and Briairlight are waiting in the medicine den as it is. Do you think he'll let me in as well."

The she-cat touched her nose gently towards the toms ear, "Why don't you rest near HighRock, the water's shallower near the base."

The gentleness of the she-cats mew ruffled his thoughts, realizing that she must be as worried about her sister as Tigerheart was.

He looked over towards the bottom of the jagged rock face, it's looming stone, sheen and slick in the storms rain. "Maybe in a moment."

"You'll catch cold." Ivypool stated, her meow bridged with the urgency of sleep.

Tigerheart lowered his ears, "I must wait." His breath caught in his throat as another agonizing wail sounded from the nursery, "Dovewing is awake and in pain, the least I can do it wait with her."

"Be patient. These things take time." Ivypool stated, but her words of comfort were muffled by the pounding rain roaring in the toms ears.

Tigerheart looked up at the sky, as if desperately searching for the stars, "Do you think they can see us?"

"Whitewing will be watching Dovewing with all her heart," The silver-and-white furred she-cat's eyes glistened with the loss of her mother.

Tigerheart felt that sorrow like a burr clinging to his heart. The gentle she-cat had died saving the tabby tom from a fox. Many warriors died in that battle, one that ThunderClan did not win.

"I hope so." He sated, the words were dragged out of him like a tail caught in brambles. It was a sharp, tugging feeling, the same fierce throbbing after as much as when.

Ivypool glanced up at the dark clouds, her dark blue eyes reflecting the brand of sparks that lit the night. "Look." She pointed with her muzzle towards the sky, "It's easing up."

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