Chapter Twenty-One~

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The young fire pelted she-cat blinked her eyes blearily, a faint trail of sun filtered through the branches of the half finished apprentice den. Firepaw yawned, licking her lips as she set her head back into the moss.


The young medicine cat raised her head again, groggily seeing a fuzzy shape near the entrance. Firepaw thought nothing of it, her mind telling her to just go back to sleep. So she did. The apprentice closed her eyes again, wishing she was back to her fields of chasing butterflies 

"Wake up! We have work to do!" The voice snapped again, their tone seeming agitated.

Firepaw rolled over, facing away from her mentor. "In a moment."

Leafpool huffed, grabbing her apprentice's scruff, rolling her out of her moss lined nest. "Now Firepaw!"

The apprentice blinked blearily up at the older medicine cat. "Alright, alright." She grumbled , getting to her paws with a yawn. "I'm up."

"Be in the clearing before the dawn patrol get's back or you'll be sorting herbs all day, while I go to RiverClan." Leafpool stated, her amber eyes staring down at her apprentice. 

Firepaw leaped to her paws, scattering moss. "You're going to RiverClan!"

Her mentor nodded, padding out of the apprentice den, waving her tail for Firepaw to follow, "When you're ready, come into the clearing."

The bright ginger she-cat stared after her mentor, dark green eyes settling into a gentle calmness.

She rolled her shoulders, licking down the patches of fluffed up fur.

"You seem to have a knack for sleeping in." A different voice spoke up. "Tsk tsk little Fire."

Firepaw glared at the starry cat, seeing a young calico she-cat. "Rainpaw." She dipped her head politely, deep green eyes trained on the StarClan cat.

"Firepaw." Rainpaw glared back at the she-cat. "You seem happy to see me."

The medicine cat licked her paw, "Happy isn't the word I'd use."

"I knew you two would argue." Another cat growled, padding out from the shadows that lingered in the back of the den.

Rainpaw dipped her calico head towards the white tom that had stalked out from the shadows. "Emberpaw. Glad to see you could make it."

"Silverflame sent me." Emberpaw sighed, his unusual fiery gold and amber eyes glittering with annoyance. "She said you two would be a burden put together."

Rainpaw yawned. "Well she was right."

"So both of you are here today?" Firepaw questioned, eyeing Emberpaw wearily.

The skinny white tom nodded. "Afraid so."

"Well," Firepaw padded towards the entrance, "Let's get this over with."

Rainpaw stuck her tongue out. "Not like I wanted to be here either."

"Says the one who agreed to help train her." Emberpaw growled, walking after Firepaw.

The calico she-cat growled, bounding after her fellow StarClan apprentice. "Hey! I'm only here because Saffronsky told me off!"

"Well at least your brother understands why we're here to train Firepaw." Emberpaw yawned.

Firepaw glared over her shoulder at the two of them. "If you two don't shut up I swear to StarClan I'll tell Blackstar."

Emberpaw closed his mouth. "No thank you."

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