Chapter Twelve~

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The group passed over the old Thunderpath, the long and twisting roots that shot through cracks in the pavement, caught beneath Phoenixkit's small claws.

The young kit swallowed nervously, snapping her head back and forth, eyes darting to and fro along the concrete path. The small she-cat haunched her skinny shoulders, head bowed and eyes glittering with fear.

Phoenixkit's claws scratched the pavement, making shivers run through her fur. She wondered if a monster would come roaring past, flattening them before it sped off.

Blazekit's tail lashed against her whiskers, making Phoenixkit yelp, sliding back, her paws firmly planted in front of her.

"What are you so jumpy for?" Her brother purred, whiskers twitching with amusement.

The dark ginger she-cat lowered her ears slightly, "Monsters."

Turtlekit sighed, turning around to see why they had stopped, "This Thunderpath is abandoned Phoenixkit. Why would they still travel on it if it would hurt their paws?"

"How do you know it's abandoned?" The she-kit demanded, pressing against Blazekit as an owl hooted above.

Her brother nudged Phoenixkit with his muzzle, pushing her face so she was facing the bushes on the other side, "All the warriors call this the abandoned Thunderpath, so monsters must not use it. Just keep walking and we'll get back to camp sooner."

"After we spy on Darktail's camp." Turtlekits fur puffed out indignantly, emerald eyes glittering with annoyance.

Blazekit nodded, "Exactly."

A low whine of terror stuck in the young kits throat, but she swallowed it, pushing all thoughts of monsters to the back of her mind.

Turtlekit nodded towards her friend, before spinning her head around and bounding across the rest of the old Twoleg path. Blazekit stifled a chuckle, his tail curling in delight as he charged after his den-mate.

"Come on, Phoenixkit!" Her brother called over his shoulder.

The dark ginger she-cat stared at the two with wide eyes, darting across the path as a bird let out a caw. She tumbled onto the grass, galloping past Blazekit and up towards Turtlekit, wanting to keep the pace moving.

Turtlekit glanced over at her friend through narrowed eyes, "Are you that paranoid?"

Phoenixkit didn't answer, struggling to flatten her fur, which stuck up like a porcupine, fear scent hanging off her.

"We can stop if you want." The black she-kit stated.

"N-No." Phoenixkit stuttered, eyes darting towards a rustling in the bushes, "We-" She broke off with a gulp of air, "W-We can... keep going."

Blazekit and Turtlekit shared a glance, both looking quite concerned for their den-mate.

Phoenixkit stiffened, heart pounding at the glance they shared. Her claws worked furiously at the grass. She was certain her stomach was falling out of her body. She felt weak, like pins were prickling along her spine. She flexed her claws, trying to regain control in them. She felt like a newborn kit, helpless and incompetent.

Her brother padded next to her, "It's okay," He murmured, "There's no need to panic."

Suddenly, Phoenixkit snapped her head around, glaring into the bushes, her anxiety forgotten, eyes narrowed.

"What is it?" Turtlekit struggled to see over the fur spiked near her friends neck, her head was stretched up, eyes glittering with curiosity.

The ginger she-kit shook her head, tail lashing, "I don't know." She admitted, "Maybe it was just my imagination."

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