Chapter Twenty-Five~

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"Blazepaw!" Tigerheart yelled, weaving vines and leaves into a half finished barrier.

The tabby brown apprentice sighed, glancing over his shoulder from where he was talking with Graypaw. "Yes?"

"Take those brambles to Thornclaw." The ShadowClan deputy stated, bounding towards a clump of darkened and twisted weeds.

Blazepaw nodded, grasping the large group of brambles in his jaws.

He raised his head, staring around the partially finished camp. His amber eyes were darting sharply around the clearing, trying to find the light brown warrior.

Near the thorn twisted entrance, Ambermoon and Smokepaw were wrapping more thorns around the half finished barrier, both of the gray tom's front paws were wrapped in a sticky poultice.

A cold feeling of pity weighed down on Blazepaw. His brother was the smallest apprentice of the group, and most warriors have called him the smallest they've ever seen. But his paws were huge, making him clumsy and always tripping on the smallest of things.

Smokepaw's ears were large compared to the rest of him, while his tail was just a small stump of gray fluff.

"Hey Smokey!" Blazepaw raised his head towards his brother.

The gray tom's head popped up from where he was reenforcing the new entrance. His ears flopped comically against his head. "Yeah?"

"D'you know where Thornclaw is?"

Smokepaw looked around, dark blue eyes taking in the half finished camp. "No. Sorry Blaze, try looking near the ThunderClan camp. I think he was with Brightheart and Phoenix."

Blazepaw nodded, padding out of camp with a hop in his step. Maybe he'd get to talk to Phoenixpaw.

But the golden brown warrior was helping with the outside barrier.

"Ah," Thornclaw nodded towards the young apprentice. "Is that for the barrier?"

Blazepaw sighed, glancing at the trees towards the ThunderClan camp. Pushing the leaves and vines towards the warrior. "Yeah."

"Why don't you go ask Tigerheart to go on a hunting patrol." Thornclaw told the young tom gently. "I'm sure you and Graypaw are hungry."

The tabby brown tom nodded, shrugging. "Okay."

Blazepaw turned around, walking with baleful eyes towards the camp entrance.

"Thanks for the vines Blazepaw." The warrior muttered around the greenery in his jaws. 

The ShadowClan tom sighed and continued into camp.


Phoenixpaw walked into the ThunderClan camp, just as Brightheart had told her to, and sure enough, the she-cat was no where to be seen.

"Great." The dark orange she-cat sighed, "Another day of cleaning to myself."

The young tabby apprentice had no longer asked where her mentor was. As she was always off patrolling.

Patrols. Brightheart's number one excuse for not training Phoenixpaw. That had been the excuse for many of warriors. Even Tigerheart, who refused to show her the front slash, the first attack apprentice's from all clans are taught.

The she-cat had padded towards the shadowed overhang near the apprentices den almost without realizing where her paws were taking her.

It was her signature location. And every cat knew it. Most avoided it, as it was awkward to try to converse with an apprentice who wanted nothing to do with any cat who wouldn't teach her.

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