Chapter Fifteen~

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Blazekit shuffled his paws nervously against the dusty ground of Bramblestars den. His stomach was tied in nervous knots, tail lashing against the dirt.

"Why are you so nervous?" Turtlekit yawned, leaves brushed in her black fur, while mud streaked her flank.

The small brown tabby tom flicked his ear, "Everyone's still searching for Phoenixkit. What if she's injured? What if the fox got her? What if she couldn't outrun it! Maybe she's dead!" Blazekit leaped to his paws, pacing in tight circles.

Turtlekit sighed, "You and your 'what ifs.' Just sit down and wait for Bramblestar to come back."

"We should be out searching for her!" Blazekit ignored the black she-kits attempts to calm his imagination.

The kit glared at her den-mate, "Will you just sit down!" She hissed, "We're in enough trouble as it is. Let alone you going out in the forest again! Rowanstar will pin your whiskers if he finds out you left this den."

"At least one of you has common sense." A gruff voice sounded from outside the den.

Blazekit spun around, eyes wide as a broad shouldered tom pushed through the lichen.

Amber eyes stared at the small tom, "Sit down."

Blazekit immediately sank to his haunches, still staring at at the leader. "B-Bramblestar."

"Quiet." He muttered, stalking past the two.

The young tom shuffled out of the way as the ThunderClan leader sauntered past, his tail sweeping along the cave floor. Blazekit and Turtlekit glanced over their leaders tail, staring at each other from across the den.

Bramblestar sank into his nest with a huff, sighing with annoyance. He shut his eyes firmly, "What am I going to do with you two."

Turtlekit dropped her gaze, "I don't know."

"Let me think." The tom growled.

The she-cat clamped her mouth shut, eyes darting towards Blazekit. But the other kit wasn't paying attention, as his paws were frantically kneading the ground, eyes wide with worry.

"If it was my choice," The leader started, "I would place you both on elders duty. Clearing away bedding and ridding them of ticks. But Rowanstar's furious."

"And rightfully he should be." A much softer voice mewed.

A gray she-cat stalked into the den, her head held high, fur darkened with the rain. Emerald eyes were sparked with anger and disappointment. "If I were to decide a punishment, I believe their ceremony should be delayed."

Blazekit's jaw dropped, "What!? But Dovewing-"

His mother shot him a sharp glare, eyes shadowed. "Blazekit. Pipe down, you're in enough trouble as it is. Don't dig yourself a deeper hole."

Turtlekit's shoulders dropped, her head hanging low, while Blazekit looked away in shame.

"We're sorry." She squeaked.

Dovewing sniffed, "And so you should be. Phoenixkit is seriously injured."

"Is she going to be okay?" Blazekit stumbled over his words.

Bramblestar nodded, "She'll live."

"Barely." A new mew sounded from the entrance, Rowanstar padding into the den, "Tigerheart is in the medicine den with Phoenixkit."

The ThunderClan leader nodded, "I assumed so." He turned to the tow kits, "Go to the nursery. Cherryfall will watch you."

Blazekit dipped his head to the leader, he rushed past Turtlekit, "Come on. Let's go."

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