Chapter Five~

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"Alderheart!" She yelped, the sunlight blinding her for a moment. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the bright sky, Twigfeather snapped her head towards the medicine den, running across the clearing in a few bounds.

She erupted into the den, the lichen and leaves that dangled from the entrance swaying as the warrior burst inside, "Alderheart!"

A tabby orange head lifted from over the moss, his eyes bleary from sleep, "Wha-"

"I saw a SkyClan warrior!" She yelped, bounding over towards the medicine cat.

He was instantly awake, his eyes wide, "What!?"

"Her name's Pebbleshine!" Twigfeather continued, "And she spoke of a kit rising from the ashes! I think it was a prophecy!"

The medicine cat's eyes were wide as he listened to the cat describe her dream.

"And there were these starving cats traveling through the snow." Twigfeather gasped for air after her rambling, "Their was a rat fight, and then the clan scattered. And two cats came back and rebuilt it. And them their were a bunch of rogues and the Clan left."

Alderheart's mouth was open, his amber eyes shinning with excitement.

"What's with all the racket!" A voice snapped.

The reddish-gold tabby apprentice snapped his head towards Jayfeather, "Twigfeather saw a StarClan warrior!"

"What!?" Jayfeather stared at the gray warrior in shock, "When?"

"Last night." Alderheart ran towards his mentor, "We have to tell Bramblestar! Twigfeathers vision had a prophecy in it."

The small tabby tom was already running out of the den, "Come on!"

Twigfeather, Leafpool, and Alderheart ran out of the den, but before the young warrior could follow the medicine cats, Squirrelflight called her over.

"Twigfeather," She stated, "Will you lead a hunting patrol near the ancient oak?"

The warrior ran past the deputy, "I can't!"

"Why?" The ThunderClan deputy snapped her head around and glared at the gray warrior, her dark green eyes questioning, while a few cats murmured in hushed tones.

"I had a vision!" She stated confidently, her words sounding far, her eyes shinning with a distant glint.

Squirrelflight looked at the she-cat with a confused stare. "What about?"

Twigfeather didn't answer, only ran towards HighRock, disappearing from the curious gazes of her Clanmates.

Bramblestar lifted his head from where he was washing, his amber eyes curious, "What's all this?"

"Twigfeather had a dream about SkyClan!" Alderheart burst out, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Who's SkyClan?" Jayfeather demanded, his voice echoing through the cramped den.

Bramblestar looked startled, "Leafpool, Jayfeather, please leave. I must discuss this with Twigfetaher and Alderheart."

Jayfeather looked ready to argue while Leafpool clawed at the stone.

"We're medicine cats as well," Leafpool growled, "We deserve to hear this."

The ThunderClan leader shook his head, "No. This is only for the ears of Alderheart and Twigfeather."

Leafpool reluctantly dipped her head, stepping out of the den while Jayfeather looked baffled before walking back into the clearing.

As soon as the two had left, Bramblestars narrowed his eyes, "Who was it?"

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