Chapter Seven~

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The warriors padded through the forest, the young apprentice running on ahead, her fur spiked with anticipation.

"Can we go hunting?" She questioned, but before receiving an answer she bounded off past the warriors again.

The gray tabby she-cat sighed, "Sandpaw. Just stay behind us and listen."

"Okay." The apprentice didn't seem bothered that she had been scolded by a warrior, as she just slowed her pace, tail still waggling.

The oldest warrior - who was in the front - nodded to his apprentice, "The WindClan scent marks a few rabbit hops away, why don't you scout ahead."

"Great!" Sandpaw yelped, charging away again, her tail disappearing through a few rushes of bracken.

The white tom sighed, shaking his head, "Why is she so energetic."

"She's curious." The gray she-cat defended, her blue eyes lit with amusement.

As if on cue, the bushes rustled in front of the three warriors. Cinderheart stiffened, while Cloudtail gained battle position cautiously.

"Brackenfur!" Sandpaw leaped through the weeds, "You have to come see this!"

The ginger tom looked rather confused, "What do I have to come see?"

"Is it WindClan?" Cinderheart yelped, clawing at the dirt, "Have they moved the border?"

The young cat shook her head, "It's kits!"

"What!" Cloudtail and Brackenfur meowed, sharing baffled glances, while Cinderheart raised an eyebrow.

Sandpaw looked ecstatic, "It's true! Come on! I'll show you!"

The she-cat turned and bolted through the bracken once more, leaving the warriors to stare at each other rather confused.

"Do we follow or....." Cloudtail trailed away as Cinderheart pushed through the thorns, weeds tangling beneath her paws.

Brackenfur brushed past the cloudy white warrior, "Does that answer your question."

He huffed, blue eyes glittering with confusion and suspicion as he followed the fellow ThunderClan warrior.

The three were greeted by the bubbling stream that separated the two clan territories, but there were no kits.

"Sandpaw are you-" Brackenfur started, but the she-cat just continued to pad along the side of the bank, taking a few pawsteps before she sniffed a bush.

Sandpaw took a step back, dragging a layer of fronds away from the bush, revealing two kits crouched together.

"Great StarClan!" Cloudtail meowed, but Cinderheart rushed forward.

The gray she-cat sniffed the kits, "Rouge stench."

"What!?" Brackenfur hopped forward, pushing Sandpaw gently away from the bush, "Are you sure?"

Cloudtail flinched as she smelled the kits, his face scrunched up with distain, "They stink of crow-food, but there is some rouge scent."

"Should we take them back to camp?" Cinderheart glanced back at her father, eyes narrowed quizzically.

Brackenfur sniffed the kits, drawing in the stench that lingered on their fur, "Yes. If we keep them here, then the foxes might get them." The ginger warrior nodded towards Cloudtail, "Carry the silver one."

"I'll get the white tom." Cinderheart delicately grasped the kits scruff in her jaws, the young tom letting out a wail before thrashing his legs around wildly.

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