Chapter Three~

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Twigfeather followed Rowanstar out of camp, her pelt prickling with unease.

"What will we do if Darktail is there?" Tigerheart questioned, walking next to his father, their strides equal in length.

Rowanstar glanced at his son, returning his gaze back to the path in front of him with a grunt, but he didn't answer.

Tigerheart narrowed his eyes as his leader sped up, jogging in front of the patrol. Twigfeather took the ShadowClan leaders position, "Darktail'll have a nasty surprise if he thinks he can wander through our territory."

"You've got that right." Tigerheart growled, "He may have stolen ShadowClans territory, but never its spirit."

Ivypool piped up from behind Rowanstars deputy, "But will Rowanstar want to talk, or will he fight?"

"We don't have enough warriors to attack." Tigerheart nodded.

Twigfeather looked confused for a moment, "But someone could just run back to camp and get more help. Right?"

"Not just in this patrol," Ivypool whispered furiously, "That attack with the foxes took a toll on our ranks. We lost countless warriors in that fight."

Tigerheart sighed, "We shouldn't of fought."

"We had to," Ivypool voiced, her eyes hard, "We didn't know how many foxes their was at the time. It was a mistake that we didn't ask WindClan for help, but not about the fight."

"Too much talking." Rowanstar glanced over his shoulder at the talking warriors, "We're nearing the border."

Twigfeather noticed the nod passed between Ivypool and Tigerheart, clearly the warriors intended to finish this conversation when they got back to camp.

As the patrol stepped closer towards the border, Tigerheart raised his head, drawing in the scents.

"What is it?" Rowanstar mumbled, slowing his pace so he was brushing his deputy's shoulder.

Tigerheart sighed, staring longingly across the border, "Home."

"Not anymore." A voice spat, two shapes stalking out of the nearby trees, "It's Rouge territory now."

Rowanstar bristled, only to relax as he recognized the cats, "Oakfur."

"And Ratscar." Tigerheart finished taking a step forward to stand protectively next to his father, "What are you doing here. This is ThunderClan territory."

Oakfur dipped his head, "We have no need to attack, we only want to talk."

Ivypool snorted in disbelief, "Highly unlikely."

"Let them speak." Twigfeather nodded towards the cats, "I doubt they will attack, they are just elders."

Rowanstar shook his head, his eyes glittering with distrust, "I don't care if they were kits. We're taking them back to camp to question them. Bramblestar and myself will decide if they aren't any harm."

"Very well." Tigerheart dipped his head, taking position next to Ratscar, "Please, follow."

Oakfur let out a hiss, "I'm guessing we don't have a choice."

No one answered, and Rowanstar stalked through the trees, his head held high and his ears flicking for any sign of danger. Ivypool took a place on the opposite side of the two elders, Twigfeather taking the rear, swiveling her head to scout for any danger.


Once the group got back to camp, the stars were clear in the night sky.

Bramblestar and Squirrelflight were waiting in the center of the clearing, while Tawnypelt, Brackenfur, and Cloudtail were talking in hushed tones near the base of Highrock.

"Rowanstar." Bramblestar bounded over to the ShadowClan leader, "What did Darktail want?"

Tigerheart crept out from behind his father, "It wasn't Darktail."

The two elders were guided into camp by Twigfeather and Ivypool.

"Oakfur, Ratscar." Bramblestar dipped his wide tabby head towards the two, "To what do we owe the circumstances of this visit?'

Ratscar snorted, "You don't have to be so formal. We came to get away from Darktail and his lot!"

"So you have come for shelter." Squirrelflight nodded in understanding, "Ivypool, Twigfeather, you may rest."

Twigfeather narrowed her eyes, noticing that it was an order and not a suggestion. Ivypool yawned and brushed past the gray warrior, "Come on. We'll hear about their reasoning tomorrow."

"Alright." Twigfeathers voice grew hard, "But I can almost guarantee that it's not a good one."

Tigerheart nodded, before following Ivypool into the warriors den. "Agreed."

"That goes for you three as well." Rowanstar's gaze flickered towards Tawnypelt, Brackenfur, and Cloudtail.

Tawnypelt sighed and got to her paws, Cloudtail stretching, "Fine. But this had better be discussed with the senior warriors."

"Oh it will be." Bramblestar promised, "I will not let rogues into my camp without a good reason."

Brackenfur and Cloudtail walked into the den with a few words to each other about the two elders, while Tawnypelt glanced over her shoulder before following.

Squirrelflight stared at Bramblestar, "Where will they sleep?"

"The apprentices den for the time being." Bramblestar stated, Tigerheart nodding in agreement, "The warriors den is crowded, and we don't have any new nests in the elders den."

Rowanstar pointed with his muzzle towards the apprentices den, "You will sleep in their for tonight. In the morning Jayfeather will want to have a look at you both. That grump hates outsiders."

"Birchfall wants me to help Graypaw learn how to climb thinner trees tomorrow at dawn, " Tigerhearts whiskers twitched, "So be prepared for a wake up call."

Oakfur let out a growl, "Thanks."

Squirrelflight flicked her bushy red tail, "Come, I'll show you to your nests."

Ratscar nodded, following the orange she-cat towards the apprentices den, Oakfur scurrying after his friend.

"What'll we do with them if they wish to stay?" Rowanstar questioned the ThunderClan leader.

Bramblestars eyes narrowed, his eyes seeming troubled, "I don't know. But Darktail will be furious when he finds out."

"Especially that we're sheltering them." Tigerhearts mew rumbled in his throat, as if he intended to growl the words, "He had better not get any ideas that his rogues are welcome."

Bramblstar flinched, "But some of those rogues are your Clanmates."

"They betrayed ShadowClan," Rowanstars voice was not as fierce, but it held the same meaning, "My clan made its decision. They started this fight, but we will finish it."

Tigerheart narrowed his eyes at his father, "Brave words, but are we too proud to admit that we were the ones that left?"

Rowanstar didn't answer, only looked away before walking into the warriors den. Tigerheart stood in the clearing with the ThunderClan leader for a moment, before he walked into his den atop HighRock.

Once more, Tigerheart was alone before stalking into the warriors den, an image of his Clanmates banishing them branded in his vision, making the scenery around him seem almost ethereal.

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