Chapter One~

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Two kits tumbled out of the nursery, letting out mews of excitement, their gray pelts scuffling together to create a mottle of dark fur. Two others raced out of the den, cheering the two on.

The tom's gold eyes shimmered with amusement, while his sisters crystal blue gaze rested on her brother, who had the other similar gray kit pinned to the ground

"I win!" He huffed, struggling to hold down his brother.

The kit squirmed underneath him, kicking his littermates legs out from under him. He collapsed on top of the kit, the two struggling to the their paws, spitting insults.

Pawsteps behind the four fighting kits distracted the she-kit. Dovewing was herding a light orange kit out of the den, the small cat's green eyes stretched open with fear.

The brown tabby tom glanced over his shoulder, spotting his sister meowing about the sun being to bright. He leaped at the she-cat, the small kit, letting out a yelp of alarm before she darted back into the nursery.

Dovewing let out a huff of exasperation, "Firekit, come back out. It's a beautiful day."

"No!" The kit's meow of terror was muted by another pair of kits thundering past. Their fur spiked up.

The black she-kit hurled herself across the clearing, running past Blazekit and towards Phoenixkit. The second, was a black tom with dark brown eyes, his fur sleek and with markings of a badger.

The third was just as, if not as energetic as his sister. He leaped at Firekit, barreling her out of the nursery with a yelp. He was a dark, spark yellow tom with amber eyes and a bushy tail. It stuck up like a furry stump, the tip fluffed with white fur.

"Hey Turtlekit!" The yellow yom barred his teeth as he snaked along the squishy dirt, mud already sticking to his fur like burrs, "Watch this!"

The tom leaped into the fray of the two older kits of smoke and ash. They let out yelps of fury of alarm as the kit knocked the larger tom from where he was grappling with his brothers tail.

The pink nosed kit leaped upwards, crashing into the smaller kit with a squeak, "Foxkit! This was mine and Smokekit's fight!"

"Yeah!" Badgerkit huffed, brown eyes streaked with annoyance. "I wanted to see who would win."

The yellow kit let out a hiss of frustration, looking over his shoulder and towards his jet black sister, her green eyes trained on Phoenixkit as a butterfly passed the kit.

The dark orange furred kit crept forward, her blue eyes lit with awe. She straitened her hunters crouch as it fluttered past her face, landing on her nose. Phoenix went crossed eyed to see the bug clearly, with a sneeze, the colorful winged creature flapped away.

Lashing her tail, the she-kit sprang, leaping up to claw the butterfly out of the sky. She missed, her claws snagging on the wing, the bug falling slightly before it soared over the bramble barrier.

"Graceful." Blazekit teased, his whiskers twtching in amusement, Turtlekit sat next to him, her green eyes lit wit laughter while Badgerkit was stretched out along the muddy terrain, his snickers erupting from a purr lodged in his throat.

Phoenix turned her head towards her brother, eyes glittering, "I'll show you graceful!" The kit leaped towards the brown tabby, the two rolling through the mud.

Rowanstar, who was sat near a dry spot underneath HighRock purred at the two, Tawnypelt smiling at their antics.

Blazekit scrambled away from his sister, the she-cat sending him shuffling away as she battered his muzzle playfully.

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