Chapter Eleven~

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Badgerkit tossed the ball of moss towards Foxkit, the tom leaping to snag the greenery out of the air.

"Catch this Badgerkit!" The yellow tabby tom flicked the ball towards his white striped brother.

Firekit bounded across the clearing, hurdling over Badgerkit and grasping the moss from the toms reach, landing on the ground with a yelp of satisfaction.

"I got it!" She yelled, racing away with the moss dangling from her jaws.

Foxkit stared at Badgerkit, racing after the she-kit, "After her!"

The two toms chased their friend around the clearing.

Firekit darted behind the medicine den, away from the sight of Badgerkit and Foxkit. The she-kit dropped the the ball of moss, setting it down with a small thump.

After a few moments, Firekit peered over the thorns to see Badgerkit pad up to one of the elders, asking if they've seen her.

"Hiding?" A voice piped up.

Firekit spun around to see another kit, her blue eyes shimmering.

"Mosskit." The tabby she-kit let out a sigh of relief, "When did you get here?"

The small kit grinned widely, "Snowfur wouldn't let me leave the nursery until Phoenixkit left."

Firekit tilted her head to the side, lowering her voice as Foxkit padded closer, "Why? Does she not like Phoenixkit?"

"Bluestar keeps muttering about injuries today." Mosskit stated, her eyes still glittering with stars, "Phoenixkit's supposed get hurt. Mother thinks she's going to ruin the prophecy."

Firekit raised an eyebrow, "Prophecy? About what?"

"I'm not supposed to tell." Mosskit stated, shaking her head to clear of thoughts, "Come on! Let's go play in the patch of ferns in the back of the apprentices den."

Firekit nodded, "Okay. Is Snowkit and Hollykit going to be there?"

Mosskit nodded, brushing past Firekit and out of the den, "Hollykit's probably still fighting with Molekit, but she might be there."

"Then let's go." The tabby she-kit jumped after her friend, walking out from behind the elders den, leaving the moss."Maybe Marigoldkit and Juniperkit'll be there today."

As Firekit sauntered out form behind the bushes, the suns light blinded her for a second. Flinching, the she-kit closed them, opening her eyes to slits to see that Mosskit had vanished.

Gazing around the clearing in bewilderment, Firekit swung her head behind her, spinning in circles to try and locate her friend.

"You seem lost." A voice spoke up.

Firekit looked up to see Alderheart staring down at her, his eyes wide with concern.

"I'm not lost." Firekit squeaked, "I'm just looking for Mosskit. Have you seen her?"

The medicine cat raised an eyebrow in confusion, "You mean Ashkit? He's playing with Smokekit near the apprentices den."

"Then Hollykit should be there." Firekits eyes widened, "I'll go ask her."

Alderheart took a step towards the kit, "Wait. Who's Hollykit?"

Firekit stared back at the medicine cat, her emerald eye sparked with bafflement, "Hollykit's black, kind of like Turtlekit. And Mosskit is white with gray spots."

"Firekit," Alderheart motioned for the kit with his tail, "Come with me for a moment."

The ginger she-kit spun around, "Okay."

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