Chapter 49: Falling

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Chapter 49: Falling 

Our Pokemon seemed very content to be back outside when we released them from their Poke Balls. Mine enjoyed the solitude of the forest and were used to concentrating on training and training alone with no distractions. 

Of course, now there were distractions. Dawn and her Pokemon did things differently. They communicated verbally while my Pokemon and I usually studied our posture and facial expressions to know what we needed and wanted. Dawn and her Pokemon played and practiced together as a team while I normally preferred one on one training with my Pokemon and conditioning altogether.  

The difference of the atmosphere opposed to when my own Pokemon and I were alone was apparent. The camp was loud tonight as Dawn's Pokemon began chattering, seeming ready to start a game. Piplup, somehow miraculously, could walk again with the gusto of a Pokemon who knew the move Swagger. 

I shook my head at the tiny penguin. He was so dramatic. 

"So what are you doing tomorrow, Paul?" Dawn asked. 

"Training, of course," I said. "It'll be nice to get back to normal." 

I looked at her and didn't feel like any sense of normal existed anymore. Not with her around. For some reason I really didn't mind. 

Stupid, really. How all logic ceases to exist because a girl starts stalking you. 

"Yeah, normal," Dawn agreed a bit solemnly despite the casual subject. "I'm going to spend tomorrow training too." 

I frowned, thinking. We'd probably be separated for most of the day. Ever since the Contest, I really hadn't gone more than a few minutes without seeing Dawn. A sense of unease rose in me and I tried to brush it aside. So what, we'd be apart for a couple hours? Big deal. I'd gone my whole life being alone. There was no reason to feel anxious about getting back on a schedule of intense training where my every waking moment wouldn't revolve around a certain bothersome Coordinator.  

Not that she was very bothersome anymore. 

I held back a sigh and distracted myself. "And what type of training are you doing tomorrow, Dawn?" 

"Counter shields"

I raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't expecting you to have a training plan." 

"Well," Dawn began, looking flustered, "I had a lot of time to think while we walked today." 

She began busying herself with her bag while I continued studying her. "Yes, I did too." 

"Yeah, you were quiet." I saw her frown before she added quickly, "I mean, quieter than normal. You usually talk more now."  

That was very true, though I'd been very distracted with thinking about which badge to present her. I still was unsure when to give it to her, though now didn't seem like an appropriate time with all the noise that our Pokemon were making. 

Dawn's rifling noises stopped suddenly and I looked up. "You ok?" 

She blinked a few times and looked away. "Yeah." 

She was such a liar. 

Without really thinking, I asked, "Dawn, do you mind singing?" 


I forced myself not to shift my weight. "Would you sing right now?" 

Her blue eyes stared at me with a mix of fear and wonder. "Why?" 

"You seem anxious and truthfully I'm feeling the same way," I admitted, disliking the feeling that accompanied the words. "And our Pokemon also seem a bit too energetic for my taste. I feel like it would calm us all down if you sang."  

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