Random Facts About Me

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So I've always felt like my readers have never known me on a personal level. So here are some random facts about me :

1. My favorite color is blue, any range of blue actually. But mostly turquoise .

2. I am 20 years old, and will be 21 in May which honestly im so excited for since I'm old enough to legally buy liquor 😁

3. I have a 2 year old son named Aiden, who means the world to me.

4. I found out I was pregnant my senior year of highschool, decided to take a year off to dedicate my time to my son. That year turned to almost three and I am finally attending college in August. 👩🏽‍🏫

5. This one is actually kind of embarrassing, but Ive never had a job. What's stopping me is mainly the interview because I'm terrified of embarrassing myself.

6. Another embarassing fact, I don't know how to drive. Well I do but I'm scared to. Its something I've apparently inherited from my mother 😅

7. I was born in Texas but raised in Florida.

8.  I know three languages ; English, Spanish and American Sign Language.

9. I graduated with honors and a 4.7 GPA 👩🏽‍🎓

10. I am Mexican (I know shocking 🙄😱)

11.  I am an introvert, honestly I like to keep to myself, less drama plus I'm a homebody.

12. I spend more time stalking hot girls on Instagram than hot guys 🤷🏽‍♀️

13. I've been obsessed with wolves since I was a child and I'm planning on getting a tattoo of a wolf soon 🐺

14. I am team Iphone 📱

15. I am socially awkward , I can't keep a conversation going worth a crap if I don't know you well .

16. My longest relationship is my current relationship of 4 years.

17. Favorite cheese is mozzarella (I know you guys were dying to know 😂)

18. My favorite pastime is reading and binge watching shows on Netflix 📖🖥

19. I began writing when I was in middle school. Those where mainly detective novels since I was dead set on becoming a detective up until I had my son.

20. If you didn't like Ashley's character you most likely wouldn't like me in person. I tend to want my way all the time, I'm slightly spoiled, I tend to overthink and overreact, and jump to conclusions quick. Sorry not sorry.

21. My favorite food is Pizza 🍕

22. My favorite desert is cheesecake 😍

23. I can be very petty. Sorry not sorry. 💁🏽

24. I tend to bottle things in till I explode 😐

25. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. I am the second oldest.

26. I am the first to graduate in my family.

27.  I have a bad habit of putting others people's needs before mine, therefore I get taken advantage of a lot.

28. I am a dog and cat person . Also snakes, and hamsters .... okay I love all animals .... except sharks or alligators 😕

29. I am scared of heights but yet love roller coasters 😐

30. I am 5'2 so I'm pretty short ☹️

These are just random facts about me from the top of my head . I'd like to hear back to see if anyone can relate. So don't be afraid to leave a comment. Also if you'd like to ask me any question about myself or the characters go ahead 😋

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