Wilde Times

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Nick showed up to Wild Times dressed in style. The building was glowing, the parking lot was full, and predators ranging from otters to tigers were showing up in droves. This was everything Nick had hoped. He walked into the clinic and met with a tiger at his desk.
"Can I help you sure?" asked Nick.
"Yes... Erm... two tickets for my wife and I..."
"That will be $19.95 each."
The tiger handed Nick the money, then the tiger and his wife passed through the secret door down to the collar check. Finnick waited at the desk. The two tigers cautiously approached the sand vixen, then stood at the edge of the desk. Finnick motioned for the tiger to lean in close, and he held up the device that took off the collars. The tiger's collar beeped, then unlocked. Finnick grab it and took it off.
"What's your name?" asked Finnick.
The tiger was feeling the area where his collar had been.
"It's.. It's..Gerald..." he stuttered. His wife looked at him worried.
"You alright dear?" she asked. He turned to her, his eyes filled with joy and freedom.
"I'm great!"he cried. "Oh gosh I've been wearing that darn thing for thirty years! Oh how nice it is to have it off! And look! Look Chloe!" Gerald grabbed his wife's hand gently and squeezed it.
"Look..I'm happy! I'm happy and I am enjoying it so much! And there's no collar to stop me! Hah ha!" the tiger picked up his wife and swung her around in a circle. He then put her down in front of Finnick.
"Come on Chloe, let him get it for you." said Gerald. Finnick motioned for her to step closer.
"Ma'am, please hurry. You are holding up the line" said Finnick. She stepped closer and let him get the collar off. When he took it and hung it on a hook, he put two name tags on each. Gerald on one, and Chloe on the other.
"You're free to go to the park" said Finnick.
Chloe scratched the area where her collar had been. Gerald hugged her, and the two ran off into the theme park.

Predators of all sorts entered the park. Cheetahs, foxes, leopards,lions, bears, raccoons,weasels,otters, badgers,you name it. Children from five to adults to 80 entered the park. They loved it. And Nick was their hero. They could play, laugh, and just be themselves without a collar shocking them for feeling emotions. Nick was happy as well. There was nothing he loved more than seeing his fellow preds being free and having a good time. Plus, the amount of money he was getting was amazing. He was going to be able to pay Koslov back in no time.
Nick headed out of his new office, passing by all the rides and the guests. They all cheered for him. A cheetah gave him a high five, which Nick accepted happily. All the rides were working well, all the predators were enjoying themselves and having a great time without the collar. And he was making a large amount of money too. And the thing that surprised him, was that he actually felt that this is what he was meant to do. He found he enjoyed bringing happiness to animals, and loved being a host. This amusement park was made all by him and his few friends. And he loved it. And over the course of the next few weeks, business was booming. Everyday, Wild Times had about 500 customers. Predators loved the feeling of freedom. And the area around Wild Times started getting popular as well. Many animals would be hanging out around the medical clinic, or in the general area. This didn't bother Nick. He was just glad that his fellow predator were able to finally enjoy themselves. Surely the prey wouldn't come near here. Besides, they never came into a predator area. That was an advantage. No one would find out about it. And it remained that way for awhile. Business kept going great, Nick kept making money, and predators were finally able to be free.

Another couple weeks went by, and business was still doing great. Nick had finally gotten the majority of the money he owed the polar bear back from his park. And he was going to go deliver it to him.
After heading through Tundra Town to Koslov's building, Nick saw that the polar bear was sitting in a black car on the side of the road.
"Must be up to something" thought Nick. The fox walked over to the car and knocked on the window. It slid down, revealing Koslov.
"One more week, like this." said Nick, smiling. He handed Koslov a bag full of money. Koslov took his hesitantly.
"I believe we are even" said Nick satisfyingly.
"Koslov did not give you loan so you could flaunt business in front of camera" said the polar bear, "Be careful, Zootopia is like little baby.. does not like to be changed."
Nick laughed. "I'm a small time fox and it's a prey world. I couldn't change this town even if I wanted to." Nick began to leave, but the bear grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him back into the window.
"Preds need to stick together,yes? Koslov is here. If you ever have a problem, need advice, or tax guy or dead body to disappear.." Koslov took out a wad of money and through it to a polar bear on the other side of the car.
The polar bear opened up a suitcase to put the money in. A weasel popped out, taking in a huge gulp of air.
"Okay! I'm a weasel!There, I said it, but hear me out-ah!" the polar bear threw the money and him and then shut the case tightly.
Nick watched, beginning to get nervous.
"Anyway... Lot of business with Zootenial..charge double for churros..oke doke?" he asked the fox.
Nick smiled.

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