Chapter Two:

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Hours passed and he hasn't moved, she got a little worried and went to check up on him. She put her face close to his to make sure his awake, that didn't help, she put her head on his chest to try and hear a heartbeat.

He woke up and startled her, she jumped with embarrassment and apologized.

" what are you doing?"

Her face was getting hot and turning red, she muttered

" I was making sure you were breathing, you haven't moved since I cleaned your-" she paused and looked at him " while you where sleeping I cleaned your injury and wrapped it to stop the bleeding."

He moved the blankets and pulled up his shirt and saw the bandages, he thanked her and said with a smirk "You could of just asked if you wanted to see me shirtless."

Her face got hot and her palms where sweating.

"What's your name" she asked.

" I know you have many questions, but I really don't feel like explaining my self." He replied.

"Seriously! I saved your life, you can at least tell me who you are and what happened" she said.

" Fine, you're right, but I will not repeat anything twice so listen carefully.

"My name is Luca, I'm not from around here, I got attacked by two- no three men. "

She looked him dead in the eyes and raised her eyebrows, she knew he was lying. " You know what Luca it's fine I don't want to know what happened."

She went to her room with disappointment. The one thing Talia hates is liars.

Luca thought, Oddio! She knows I'm lying if it wasn't for my twisted ankle I would of left.

Talia woke up early that morning and went out to get some fresh water to make some tea. After breakfast she cleaned the cabin, wiped the windows and swept the floors inside and out.

Luca woke up and needed to go to the bathroom he tried to get up but he was injured. Luca realized he hasn't asked her for her name. He shouted, "excuse me" still no answer " Miss are you there" he called.

" Yes? Luca, if that's even your real name." she mocked him.

" I need to use the restroom" said Luca.

"Oh, well it's down there" she said as she pointed to the bathroom.

He looked at her with his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face. She really hated it when he did that "have you forgotten I'm injured" he said.

Talia felt so disgusted she helped him up and guided him to the bathroom. Talia closed her eyes and looked away.

"Are you sure you want to close your eyes." Luca said smiling.

"Can you please hurry up" she cried.

He washed his hands then Talia helped him back into bed.

" This isn't what I asked for, all I wanted was a nice vacation away from home" she cried out loud. Luca realized she did save his life and was sacrificing her time to help him.

" I apologize, you're right you did save my life so you deserve to know the truth" Talia's eyes widen as she sat beside him. "Maybe I should start off with answering your rude remark, yes my name is Luca I'm 22 years old and have no family."

Talia felt sorry for him. " I was hungry and wanted to eat some grapes from the vineyard, but the guard attacked me. Thank you for helping me." Luca said. " Wow I'm really sorry to hear that. I am here now with you and you are welcome to stay here for as long as you like" said Talia.

"Thank you, but I don't know anything about you." Luca was hoping she would open up about who she was, but Talia got up and walked away. Luca was speechless. What just happened, I told her everything, even thing I have never told anyone before. Oddio!

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