Chapter Twenty-Two

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LUCA: (smashed his phone on the ground) Who does she think she is! I'll show her.

Oscur: Son, are you talking to yourself.

Luca: No, I just have a little problem.

Oscur: Do you want to talk about it son.

Luca: I need money! A lot of money now.

Oscur: Slow down son.

Luca: Dad I need it, it's important.

Oscur: what for?

Luca: if he finds out they are alive he will kill me.

Uhhhhh ummmmmm well I want to open up my own business and I need to hand them that money in cash by two hours. I don't have time.

Oscur: I'm sorry Luca I can't help you.

Luca was so frustrated.

Luca: I have an idea.

Oscur: Good job I shall pay you extra, oh and by the way when you finish your job there , I will send a private jet to come pick you up.

Angie: Sounds great.

Luca got the money in the suitcase and went straight to his father's jet. Well all those useless months of flight school came in handy.

Angie grew impatient, so she went to the bar to loosen up.

Jake hugged Talia.

Jake: Talia I am so sorry this is all my fault.

Talia: No Jake it's not your fault, you didn't know your mother a murder.

Jake: True, but still I should of took extra care of you. Your like the sister I never had before.

Talia gave him a dirty glare,

Talia: Oh, yeah you too.

Sister? Sister?

Arron: I knew it was a bad idea. We could of all took her down if we didn't separate.

Jake: Oh be quite, will yeah.

Alessandro: Children you must understand if we stay here, we will all die.

Rose: Yes, we must find a way out.

Jake and Arron looked at Alessandro and Rose: who are you?

Talia: I am so sorry, these are my parents.

Jake: (looked at Talia) What? But I thought you said they where killed, so you lied to me. Wow money and power isn't enough for you, you had to lie to get sympathy too.

Talia glared at Jake with anger and hate.

Talia: I can't believe you just said that. I thought they where dead. I didn't know they where alive until now. ( Talia hugged her father as she cried on his chest.)

Jake: Talia I'm so sorry, I'm just having a bad day. I'm sorry.

Talia: Oh jake, I'm so sorry you're having a bad day.

Jake mimicked her and rolled his eyes.

Talia: (wiped her tears) We need to find a way out now.

Arron : Maybe we can knock the gate down.

Jake: Oh yes what a cleaver idea Arron. Maybe you should try
knocking it down with your head.

Arron: Oh okay.

Talia& her parents: Nooo ( As they grab Arron, and give Jake dirty looks)

Jake: I was kidding geez.

Alessandro: We need an excellent plan, it will take time.

Jake: we don't have time.

Talia: If you say one more thing I swear I will use your head to knock this gate down.

Arron: ( couldn't stop laughing)

Jake gave him a deadly stare which shut him up.

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