Chapter Sixteen :

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Talia was very confused, I thought my parent were dead, I remember Oscur telling Luca to kill them. Oh but he saved my life, so he must have done the same for them. But wait why the heck did he write that letter.

"I'm so confused" said Talia

"What's wrong my princess" said her father

"Father I really thought you and mother where dead, I remember Oscur commending his son to kill us."

"I know darling, your mother and I assumed the worse for you also"

"well I had to live with a murder!"

I'm sorry sweetie, we will find a way out and back to our kingdom!! Italy will go back to how it was once before!"

"Yes, father but how"

" When the time comes my princess."

Talia was so angry, she hates being confused. Why would Luca save us but write that he killed my parents? Why did Angie kill Mr. Hazel, wait why was Mr. Hazel following me.

Talia looked at her parents

"I know Mr. Hazel" Talia said

Her parents looked at each other and then back at Talia.

"You do?" asked her parents.

"uh well he was following me the other day at the museum before he died , I thought he wanted to hurt me." Explained Talia

Her parents where relieved he didn't talk her.

"what's the matter? Why do you both look so worried"

"Oh sweetie we thought-" said her mother, "We thought he was going to hurt you" interrupted her father.

"Oh okay"

Talia had a feeling her parents where up to something since they kept giving each other eye signals, I was too tired to argue or ask what's wrong with them. I just laid on my mother's lap and drifted to sleep.

Luca, Luca what are you doing?

"I want to save you but I can't I'm sorry Talia."

No, Luca come back, wait I want to know what happened. LUCA, LUCA.

How did he disappear, I must follow
him into the woods.

Ouch! A bunch of prickle brushed on my arms and legs,

I'm wearing a thin white nightgown above my knees.

I catch up to Luca but he turns around so I had to stop.

"Luca what's that?" "Is that an arrow and a bow, wait no please don't shoot me, Luca NO."

"Talia wake up", said her mother as she shook her awake.

"nightmare?" asked her mother.

"You have no idea!" said Talia.

"Do you want to talk about it" asked her mother.

"No, mother."

"I wonder if Jake even knows I'm missing, is he even looking for me" said Talia.

"Jake? Who's Jake" her mother teased her.

"No, mother, it's not like that. His Angie's son"

"Oh" said her mother in a disgusted way.

"Oh come on mother not that way either, his actually very nice but very naive.

" Oh " said her mother in a normal tone.

"He probably doesn't even care" sighed Talia.

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