Chapter Twelve:

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Jake went to the bar to forget about his grandma. After a few shots of drinks he put his head down and sobbed. "Whyyy?!!" screamed Jake. Everyone left the bar, except for Jake. He was to drunk and depressed to realize what was happening around him. He lifted his head ever so slightly and then back on the counter. A cold firm hand grabbed Jake by the shoulder. " I think you have had enough dear, don't you think?"

Jakes vision was blurry and he was dizzy. "Whaat do you waaant?" Said Jake." let's take you home dear" said his grandma.

"No! You're a murder why would I go with you?" shouted Jake.

His grandma started to lose patient "Jake your drunk and speaking nonsense let's get you home" said grandma.

"Why did you come back" asked Jake.

"Oh my dear I missed you, and also I have some unfinished business take care of. If you want the job done right, you must do it yourself" Grandma smirked at Jake and winked.

Jakes grandma told him about her plans knowing he will forget in the morning.

Jakes heart sank, omg grandma killed George! That makes sense. Jake stared at his grandma, he wasn't feeling good and her mole made his stomach turn. Jake couldn't hold himself he threw up on his grandma. She gave him a dirty look. " Get up now!" demanded his Grandma.

Grandma took Jake home and laid him in bed.

Talia waited until her grandma left and went to Jakes room. " Jake, Jake, Jaakeee," whispered Talia. Jake was in a deep sleep, he snored louder than usual. Why won't he wake up,

I think his grandma wants to kill him! I overheard Jake's mother and grandma saying they know where to take him.

Talia was frightened by the rattling window, I need to run away I can't stay here. Talia headed to the door, when suddenly a cold hand grabbed her by the back of her neck, a rag was on her mouth. Talia couldn't scream as she drowsed off, while Jake was sound asleep not knowing what was going on.

Talia woke up in a dark cold damp room, she was on the ground shivering. Talia had no idea what happened.

Ugh where am I, I feel so weak and sick. My head is killing me.

Talia felt groggy her head was spinning and she wanted to vomit.

She heard footsteps, with every step her heart sank deeper and deeper.

"Who are you? Where am I? Who am I? Why am I so weak and cold?!" Talia spoke with he lips barely open. Talia had no idea who she was or why she was in a cold dark room.

"Stop asking questions. Demanded a voice. "Your name is Talia, you are here for your safety. You poisoned a guy named George Hazel and need protection from the police.

Talia started to shiver and this time it wasn't from the cold.

Talia couldn't remember anything, her head was in so much pain just trying to remember.

Talia stared at the body as it walked away and shut the gate.

Talia's could hear the voice repeat, you poisoned him, you murder, creakkkkk, creakkkkk squeaked the sound gate. Talia laid in the cold floor and went to sleep.

Jake woke up to a throbbing pain in his head. His body was very weak and his stomach growled in pain. He ran to the bathroom, spraying the toilet and walls with vomit he sank on his knees resisting touching his face with his nasty hands. His stomach turned over one more time and sprayed the bathroom. Salvia dribbled from his lips his throat felt sore from the stomach acid and his mouth tasted of vomit. The stomach-acid filled his nostrils. He blew chunks into the paper towels, as he walked into the shower.

Jake got dressed and ready for work. His mother made him breakfast.
How odd mother never goes to work late and hasn't made breakfast since fathers death. What is going on. Thought Jake.

"Good morning sweetie" said his mother. " Why are you making breakfast? You never make breakfast." Said Jake.

"Well you know grandma will wake up hungry, and the food isn't going to cook its self you know that honey" said his mother.

Jake gave his mother a dirty look as he walked out. Fuck grandma! I don't care about her. I don't know why she's back.

Jake went to his office and asked his assistant Arron to give him he guest list. Jake was very curious. He remembered what his grandma said to him last night. ' I have to take care of unfinished business'.

Grandma did kill George I know she did. Jake dialed detective Tom and told him about his grandma.

I'm sorry Jake we need more evidence. We can't walk around arresting who we want.

Jake hated him for that but he was right. He was determined to find evidence one way or another.

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