Chapter Twenty-Six

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Luca explains that they must quickly go into the castle, but they must use the secret entrance Talia showed him.

Luca: Ok so we have to be quite, My father might be here.

Talia: Luca what will happen if he finds us.

Luca: Talia just stay by my side and nothing will happen to you, I promise.

Talia walked behind Luca while everyone else followed

Arron: I don't understand why you guys are scared of him, I mean come on there is 7 of us and one of him.

Jake: Yeah, plus his army

Arron: Oh, you shouldn't have said that I was feeling confident.

Grandma: What Arron means is we can take them down!

Jake: ( rolled his eyes) Whatever

Grandma: Jake sweetie, what's up with the attitude? Ever since Luca came you've been grumpy

Jake: I don't know what your talking about.

Grandma: (Long stare) Really?

Jake: Oh come one Grandma, out of nowhere prince charming flies in and saves Talia? That was suppose to be me!

Grandma: Well he is charming
Jake: (Gives grandma a dirty look) Seriously! Your not helping.

Grandma: Jake this is their lives, we have nothing to do with them.

Jake: Really? Then why the heck are we here in the middle of Italy?

Grandma: You can't say no to a free ride to Italy

Jake: Whatever.

They finally reached the stairs to the King and Queens room. Talia fell to her knees and began to cry.

King &Queen: Talia.

King: Talia! What's the matter?

Luca kneeled beside her and put his arms around her. He gently kissed her head and wiped her tears.

Luca: You have nothing to fear, I'm here with you. Talia I promised I will keep you save, I'm man of my words.

Talia looked up at Luca and smiled, when ever Luca is around she gets a tingly feeling between her chest. She wraps her arms around his neck and gently gives him a soft kiss behind his ear. That makes Luca shiver.

Talia: I trust you Luca.

Luca: Ok, stand up and walk with me inside.

Talia stands up and opens the door as they walk in they notice Oscur laying in bed.

Luca: Father, I know all about your plan! How could you set up your own son. Father? Father I know you can hear me. ( no response from his father).

Luca walks up to his father and checks his pulse. He shakes him over and over, but his father was long gone. Luca puts his head on his father's chest. He let out a little weep and then looks Jake dead in the eye.

Luca: I know you did this! It was your mother!

Jake's body went numb and his stomach ached of pain.

Jake: But how could it be? She's locked up in America.

Luca stands up and walks in Jakes direction, while Jake walked back until he hit the wall. Luca's face was up close to Jakes and he put his arms around his neck, gently squeezing.

Luca: I'm going to kill you and your mother! I know it was her, she could of paid anyone to do it.

Jake: (gasping for air) I-Its n-n-o-ot m-my fa-u-l-l-t. M-y-ykkkhhhhh (Luca choked Jake.)


Luca loosened his grip, but he still had his arms around Jake. Jake tried moving Luca's hand but he was to weak.

Talia: Luca please don't hurt him. Let him go please, for me.

Luca let go of Jake but still had his eyes on him. He slowly turned to Talia.

Talia: You can't punish him for something he didn't do. His mother is already in Jail. His father is dead, he only has us left.

Grandma: clears her throat.

Talia: Sorry Grandma, he also only has his grandma. Luca I'm sorry for your father, but you must move on.

Luca: Yeah, you're right. He looks at Jake, I'm sorry Jake.

Jake: Oh yeah sure no problem it's cool.

Arron: Bro are you sure you're ok?

Jake: Shut up.

King: I will make an announcement and will set up a burial for your father.

Luca: Thank you.

Talia shows them to the guest room

*This is proably one of my longest chapters

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*This is proably one of my longest chapters. Hope you guys like it. ♡♡♡♡

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