Chapter Twenty-Five

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They all joined Luca in his father's private jet.

Arron: I can't believe I'm actually going to Italy!

Jake: What's it like?

Talia: ( Big smile on her face) Oh it's beautiful, you'll see. (Smirked)

Grandma covered her eyes with a sleeping mask and stretched her legs.

Grandma: Don't even dare wake me up! Even if we crash.

Everyone laughed. Many many hours passed, Talia was getting tired and hungry.

Talia went to the front of the jet, so she may speak with Luca.

Talia: Luca, thank you so much for saving my life, twice.

Luca: you would of done the same ( he looked at her and smirked)

Talia: Soo... why did you save me, I mean you where the one who said you where going to kidnap me.

Luca: Talia, there is just something about you. The way you look at me, the way you care about me, honestly no one has ever done that. I love how I feel when your around, I was in pain when you left I just couldn't stand being so far away. I didn't get much time to get to know you, but I know how I feel about you. You saved me and took care of me. You're special to me, Talia I don't want to lose you again, ever.

Talia: (Talia's eyes grew wide, her heart was racing and her palms where sweating) Oh, uh thanks for coming back for me. ( she got up and left)

Luca: I'm trying to tell her I love her and all she can say is I thank you for saving me?

Luca:( turns around to see her leave, and punches the jet) Did I say something wrong?

Talia: How do I know Luca is telling the truth, what If he has a different plan? Why would he want to save me, I just... I just don't understand. Why would anyone love me? Ugh I'm thinking too much, maybe I should take a nap.

Arron: ( Walks up to the front of the jet) Wow dude, this is awesome.

Luca: Yeah sure.

Arron: So bro do you have any food on the jet?

Luca: Oh yes of course we do. I hope you like Italian.

Arron: Yess bro I'm starving!

Luca hands everyone food and notices Talia sleeping

Luca: Wow she's even more beautiful asleep. Should I wake her up? No, but what if she's hungry. Ugh forget. Why do I care.

5 hours left until they land.

Talia wakes up and heads to the bathroom, she then stops by the front of the jet.

Talia: Arron says there's food here.

Luca: Seriously is that all they care about FOOD! Yes you may grab some, there at the back. (Luca doesn't look at Taila)

Talia: Oh okay. (Frustrated) Luca I'm sorry. It's just not the right time to talk about feelings, I don't know what's going to happen after we land, I mean your father is still out there. What if he tries to kill us again.

Luca: Talia I will die before anything happens to you. I came all the way across the world just to find you and protect you. I am not the same man as father.

Talia: how do I know your not lying?

Luca: It's a risk you must be willing to take.

Talia: (she leans closer and whispered) Ok, I'll take the risk

Luca:( holds her tight and shows her how to steer the jet.)

Luca: Talia go sit and buckle up, and tell everyone else to do the same.

Talia: Ok.

She sits and buckles her seat belt.

Talia: Buckle your seat belts we are almost landing.

Jake and Arron: Ugh finally.

Jake: Should I wake up grandma?

Talia: No, just leave her.

They finally land.

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