Chapter Six:

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Ms. White set the table and served dinner. She waited for Jake to come home. Ms. White was so excited she lost track of time and didn't hear Jake come home.

Jake came down for dinner and saw three plates, " are we expecting anyone?" Jakes teased his mother.

"Oh sweetie, what time is it?" asked his mother. "Yes, we do have a guest" said his mother.

Talia got dressed and came down stairs. Jake stared at Talia then at his mother then back at Talia "Who are you?" asked Jake.

"Ta-." Jakes mother interrupted her, "her name is Maddie" said his mother. "Maddie?" said Jake and Talia. "Yes, your new name is Maddie, I'm sorry darling but it's just not safe to call you Talia". Explained Ms. White.

"I will not change my name, my name is Talia".

"I understand but it is for your own protection" said Ms. White. Talia stared at Ms. White. "I will not change my name!" Said Talia. 
"Let's just sit and eat dinner" said Ms. White. Jakes really liked her Italian accent but he didn't like the idea of a stranger living with them.

After dinner Talia went to her room without helping them clear up the dinner table. Jake thought she was very rude and self centered.

" Why didn't you tell me she was staying here?" asked Jake. "I'm sorry sweetie It was a last minute thing, she'll come around, maybe you should take her to your art museum." Said his mother.

Jake hated the idea of taking her to work, but he couldn't say no to his mother.

Friday is when they stayed up to catch up on their favorite TV show. "How long is she going to stay with us" asked Jake. "Jake don't say that, she has no where to go, give her some time" said his mother.

Talia slept in until late that afternoon, she woke up to an empty house. Her stomach growled, she didn't know how to cook. "I guess I'll have water" said Taila.

She wondered around the house. Talia missed her old room and the smell of the fresh air when she opens the balcony.

Talia went into Jakes room and looked around, she thought it would be ok since he wasn't home. She saw many beautiful paintings and all kinds of art and crafts around his room.

There was one painting she loved the most, it was a drawing of a purple moon accompanied by the glowing stars shining in the sky, the moom reflected in the ocean. Also a young lonesome girl siting on the bench staring at the moon.

 Also a young lonesome girl siting on the bench staring at the moon

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It reminded her of herself. She didn't hear Jake came home, she was busy looking through old pile of unwanted paintings stacked on his desk.

Jake went to shower and clean up a little before his big day. He was so excited nothing could possibly ruin his day, at least that's what he thought. He wrapped the towel around his waist and went to change. He closed the door behind him not knowing Talia was in there. He dropped his towel on the floor and headed to the closet.  After he got dressed he noticed Talia. "What are you doing in my room" screamed Jake." I got bored so I walked around the house, you have beautiful paintings. Where did you buy them?". Asked Talia. "I didn't buy them, I painted them" said Jake. "Did you see me when I walked in" asked Jake with a low voice. "No I haven't, why do you ask?" said Talia. "Nothing, just wondering, anyway I'm suppose to take you with me to my art museum so you should go get ready" said Jake. Talia looked at him and nodded as she left his room. Talia closed the door and giggled, she did see Jake when he walked in.

Talia went to her room and took out some elegant dressed she loved most. All her clothes where designed and taliered for her as a princess not a young adult in Georgia. After trying them all on, she choose the long navy blue dress. She finished her look by puting on some makeup and jewelry.

Jake went down to grab some pizza and a can of soda, while he waited for Talia to come down. When he looked at her he was astonished, she was a little overdressed but that was fine since it was for an art museum.

 When he looked at her he was astonished, she was a little overdressed but that was fine since it was for an art museum

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