Chapter Eighteen:

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Jake called his grandma,

GRANDMA : Hello..

JAKE: Grandma I'm really sorry for the way I acted.

GRANDMA: oh sweetie it's fine.

JAKE: I need to ask you an important question, you must answer me with complete honestly.

GRANDMA: uh sure jakey, what do you have in mind.

JAKE: I over heard you the other day saying 'the job is done', and that's 'why I think you killed father'. So does that mean you had nothing to do with it.

GRANDMA: (silence)

JAKE: Grandma speak now, Arron might be in trouble.

GRANDMA: Honey I promised your mother I will never interfere with your life and that-

JAKE: If you don't tell me now Arron might die and I will never speak to you ever again.

GRANDMA: Jake when your father died it was said that he died from a heart attack, which isn't true. Your mother blamed me because I was the only one in the room with him, and because they said I played a song that brought back memories of his days at war. Supposedly that caused his heart attack.

JAKE: Yeah isn't that true though.

GRANDMA: No Jake it isn't true. Your mother poisoned your father, the poison caused his heart to stop, she paid the doctors not to say what really happened, and detective Tom is working for your mother.

Jake: (Thump) (Jake passed out )

GRANDMA: Jake, Jake, hello, hello, sweetie, jakey?

Jake was very dizzy and didn't know where he was, he lifted his head and heard a voice from the other end of the phone.
GANDMA: Hello?

JAKE: grandma?

GRANDMA: I'm sorry Jake, but that is the truth. And when I said the job is done, I was talking about setting up cameras in the basement of the museum and by the door.

JAKE: WHAT!! Why did you put cameras in my museum without telling me. You have to show me them NOW. Take the nearest flight here.

GRANDMA: Oh well actually Jake I haven't left, I'm staying with a friend here in Georgia. That's the reason I came. He called me and asked me out so I had to take care of some business.

JAKE: Ewe grandma I don't want to hear about your love life. Well then how soon can you come here.

GRANDMA: As fast as you can say Jackie Robinson.

JAKE: what's that suppose to even mean.

Someone knocks on the door.

JAKE: wait someone is at the door.

Jake opens the door to find his grandma laughing.

Grandma: you were suppose to say Jackie Robinson. Ha-ha

Seriously grams. Anyways let's go now. Okay, but I'm driving. NO, you drive like a manic. Well do you want me to show you the cameras or not. Ugh, Fine.

*by the way his grandma isn't that old she's like 58 and his mom is 38 and Jake is 25 the writing makes him seem younger but his just immature. Lol :)

*This is how I imagined her

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*This is how I imagined her. Lol :)

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