Chapter Eight:

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Talia cruised around the art convention, she loved paintings but honestly she hated almost all of them. There was one in particular she hated most and couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed as if someone was mad and just threw paint at the wall.

She noticed a guy stalking her, at first she thought it was a coincidence. She could see the man staring at her from the corner of her eyes. The lights got dim, and she was very freightened. She couldn’t find Jake and started to panic.

“Thank you all for coming” said Jake. He continued with his speech while Talia made her way on stage. Jake tried to continue his speech but Talia kept whispering “Hey Jake, I need to talk to you." “Jakkeeee” Talia continued to call his name. “WHAT!” shouted Jake, forgetting the mic was on. He looked at everyone and apologized. “ I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, and please let me know if you have any questions”. Jake said ending his speech.

He grabbed Talia by the arm and lead her off the stage. “ Are you trying to ruin me?” asked Jake. He noticed Talia was acting weird and looked very scared, she kept turning her head like as if she lost something or someone. “Where did he go?” said Talia “Where did who go?” asked Jake. Jake grabbed  Talia and asked her one more time, “ where did who go?”. Jake I saw someone follow me around the museum that’s why I came on stage, I got scared.” said Talia.

Talia and Jake heard a women scream, they both looked at each other and ran to see where it came from. Talia froze, she screamed and cried with fear. Everyone began to panic and scream, a few ran away. Jake hugged Talia and told her everything will be alright. As time passed Jake apologized to everyone as he walked them outside.

Jake and Talia sat in the art convention alone as they waited for the cops to come. Minutes felt like hours, “Jake that was the guy that was following me.” “It’s ok he can’t harm you now” said Jake. “What if he wanted to tell me something or maybe he needed help” wondered Talia. “Talia don’t think that way, what ever happened, happened”.

“ I know you don't like me, but how much do you knoe about me?” asked Talia. “Oh you know the basic, a rich and beautiful princess needs protection from I don’t know what maybe all the money” said Jake as he laughed. “ Wow, you are so naive” said Talia. Jake gave her a cold stare, “ I am not naive” said Jake.

Talia looked at him with her eyebrows raised and pain in her eyes. “ I would never leave my country for money or for any other reason, but I had no choice. Someone named Oscurità killed my parents for the throne, we’ll actually his son did, Luca, he killed my parents but saved my life.”

Talia told him the story about what happened. Jake felt like a total ass. “Talia I am so sorry I had no idea, I shouldn’t have judged you.” Said Jake in a low sorrow tone. “ Talia If this even matters but my father was also killed, at war.” Talia looked at Jake and said “ I’m sorry Jake and of course it matters.” Finally the police arrived, they asked a few questions and demand they give them the guest list.

They questioned Talia:

Have you seen this guy before?

“He was following me around that’s all I know nothing more nothing less”.

What time did you last see him?

“ I told you he was following me around I went to go tell Jake and after a few minutes someone let out a scary scream. Please don’t ask me anymore questions I already told you what I know!”

Ok princess you may go

Thank you, and my name is Talia not princess.

Jake heard her say that and realized she was just a normal person it didn’t matter if she was royalty or not. Jake gave Talia his jacket and walked her to the car. Talia could hear every squeak and every sound of the wind coming from the window. Talia was very frightened. She screamed at the sound of the car behind them honking. “Talia are you going to be ok?” asked Jake. “Yes, I was just startled that’s all” said Talia. They both knew that was a lie and continued in silence.

They arrived home, Talia went straight to her room and cried in bed. I miss my old life, Talia thought. Jake told his mother what happened. She went to her room to comfort her, but it didn’t help. Ms. White told Jake she will sleep in her room until she feels better, “No mother, I will stay up with her it’s my fault anyway.” Said Jake. The chair squeaked as he sat down. “You don’t have to stay here with me” said Talia. “ No , I do. I was so rude to you and I miss judged you, Talia I am really sorry” said Jake. “It’s fine Jake don’t worry about it, goodnight.” Said Talia. Jake slept faster than you can say Jack Robinson, Talia on the other hand tossed and turned all night. As soon as the crack of dawn peeked through the window, Talia felt safe and drifted to sleep.

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