Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Arron and Jake dropped grandma's bag on the floor and sat on her bed. Grandma walks into the room and is pleased by the view she has of the village.

Grandma : I think I can live here forever

Jake: Yeah, I think not.

Grandma: Why not?

Jake: I don't know, I really hate this place.

Arron: Uh I don't think you've seen the view Jake.

Jake: What's so good about us being surrounded by water?

Arron: (raises his eyebrows) I'm taking about what's in the water.

Jake: (looks out the window and sees lots of women) Yeah, guess your right. Hey grams well be out if you need us.

Grandma: Just don't do something stupid you'll regret.

Arron: (shrugs) like what?

Jake: ( looks at grandma) Don't answer that!

The boys head to the beach while grandma takes a nap

Talia: should I go see Luca? No maybe I shouldn't! Not now. Ugh he could probably use some company, whatever I'll just go.

Luca wasn't in his room. Talia looked for him but couldn't find him anywhere. As she was walking back to her room she found Luca speaking with her father.

Talia: What's going on.

Father: Oh Talia my dear come join us.

Luca: Your father and I were discussing the kingdom.

Talia: What about the kingdom?

Father: I'm growing old and think it's a great idea to give half my kingdom to Luca, after all he did save us and the Kingdom.

Talia: Half the kingdom? Half!! Wait what about the other half?

Father: Well I'm still king I'm not dying, I'm just getting a little too old for all the work.

Talia: Wait, what about me?

Luca: Talia I don't plan on taking it all to myself. ( Got on one knee) you will become my queen.

Talia : (Stood up) What?! No I will not marry you! You don't even know me.

Luca: We don't have to get married now, I want to get to know you. Talia give me a chance.

Talia looked at her father and noticed how tired he was. She's been too busy getting excited about growing up and leaving the castle, she forgot her parents were growing old.

Talia: Fine one chance only. ( she left to her room)

Luca: (knocks on her door) Talia we need to talk.

Talia: Go away.

Luca: We can share the half without marriage, I'll figure something out.

Talia: (opens the door) I don't care about being queen, I just want to get out and discover all kinds of things.

Luca: Ok, I'll take you out of here and we can go anywhere you want.

Talia: Really? I would love that, but what would my father say?

Luca: Don't worry I got it.

Talia hugs Luca and thanks him. She shut the door and layed in bed. It didn't take long for her to drift off the sleep.

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