Chapter 1

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              "Well I am in one those situations where a kid, who is a host of a demonic power, is fighting against his own brother who has a lust for power. He plans to leave our village and go join a rogue warrior's band of criminals. The reason he wants to join that rogue warrior is that he was a victim of a spell that grants a huge boost of power. The rogue warrior is no ordinary man, his name was Takkar. He was an excellent student. He was the youngest skilled warrior in our village. He graduated from the academy at the age of six, he was a part of the the village's special defending force at the age of ten and was the captain at age of thirteen. He secretly met with dark sorcerers and learned dark magic which he used as a last resort which never happened. When the rest of the village found out about him learning dark magic, he quickly utilized his skills and left the village. Hence he became a rogue warrior. Since he left the village, which was thirty years ago, he became a well know criminal infamous for his knowledge of sorcery. He has done many terrible crimes and is feared by many people.

Stories have been told about Takkar, how he wants to destroy our village and how he will do anything to finish wipe us out of the face of the earth. Well that's how I have heard the story and I didn't even believe that was true until he intercepted us during our exam. We barely made it out alive. Me and my brother were knocked for a the day thanks to the brutal beat down we received. We barely passed the exam because he had moved our objective further away. He burned one of the two things we needed to pass. Well we would have failed if it weren't for the total stranger who we met along the way. It's a shame, before I can tell about all the details of our little encounter I will have to tell you the whole story from the starting so HI! My name is Karoosh and I will tell you all about what happened before my all out battle with my older brother and before our encounter with Takkar and his deadly sorcery.

               I was blonde haired boy who was practically hated by everyone. People told their children to stay away from me because I am a monster and I will go wild and hurt them. The reason I was hated because when I was six years old, one day I had lost control over the demon inside of me because I had a argument with my friend while we were playing a game and I got mad. I couldn't control the demon inside me so it got unleashed and a mysterious red aura surrounded me. My parents were just passing by when they noticed me levitating in the air. They immediately rushed and tried to calm be down. Firstly they tried by using words remind me of who I am. They said to me that I am a human being not a monster,I can keep all that anger suppressed. Well this ain't a movie so that obviously didn't work. Then they used one the most powerful spells ever created,the Sealing Spell. It required two people facing the monster they want to seal away and in the end the two people performing the incantation saying the name of the person or thing that they want to seal the monster away in. Such spells gave heavy rewards but came with heavy prices. The people who were performing the spell had to give away their lives in order for the spell to work. So this is how my parents died and I became the most hated person in the village. I was also one of the most pathetic warriors in the academy at that time. I couldn't even get the transformation spell right.

               My the brother was a black haired cool guy named Tamen. He was adored by every girl in our class and was one of the best in our class. He got every thing right and always got the best grades in our class. I tried to keep up with him but he proved to be to far out of my reach. Well he seamed like a ignorant person but he was really nice. He acted the way a big brother was supposed to be. He helped me in my homework and was one of the few people who comforted me when most of the people hated me and had rejected me. He played with me while everyone else ignored and called me freak. He even trained with me because he knew I had potential in me and had wanted to become stronger himself. He took out time with his own friends to be me and to make me feel wanted in this village until his lust for power drove him to Takkar. He never wanted to interact with the other students because he always said that interacting with the students other than his friends in training would be a total waste of time. When our parents died and the people of the village started to hate me, he realized that I would be completely left behind, his responsibility as a older brother came to life and he started to spend more life with me.

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