Chapter 22

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"Everyone please find your seats now so I can start explaining."said the invigilator.

Then everyone settled down.

"Okay my name is Leo and I will be the invigilator. All of you have two hours to finish all ten questions. Nine of which you'll be answering on a examination paper. The tenth question will be given to you at the last twenty minutes. Anyone caught cheating will be taken outside along with their teammates. Also if anyone scores zero the whole team gets disqualified."said Leo.

After ten minutes the test started. While everyone else were queitly thinking how to do these questions, I was having a mental breakdown.


While I was having a total mental breakdown, Tamen was also freaking out. Just a little bit.

"(This exam his harder than I thought. Maybe I should use by sharingan and try to immitate this guy's moves.)"Tamen thought to himself as he brought his sharingan to immitate the guy who's sitting in front of him. Lucky for him, the guy was really smart and he knew the answer. "Looks like I hit the jackpot!"said Tamen in relief.

After sometime, I noticed a round shape in the sky. It was an eyeball. Yes. An eyeball. In the sky.

"Wait, is that an eye ball?"I asked myself.

"Karoosh." A familiar voice called my name. It was Hinata. I totally forgot that I was sitting with Hinata.

"K-Karoosh, y-you can c-copy mine."said Hinata.

I took the offer and decided to copy Hinata's work. Then one of guys that were watching us suddenly burst out" YOU! YOU'RE CHEATING!! TAKE HIM AWAY!!!" I thought that it was me but fortunately, it was the guy behind me.

I forgot to write this earlier. There were warriors sitting at the sides of the room. These warriors are responsible for watching every move we make and to take us out of the room if we cheat.

So the guy behind me and his teammates got disqualified. I immediately gave Hinata her test back. I feared that if they caught me cheating then not only me but my team will also be disqualified. So as the time passed, many more people got taken out because the exam was too hard and people were cheating.

Tamen was still using his sharingan. Sayla, I didn't know what she was doing. Later I noticed a white butt on the head of the guy sitting in front of me. That white butt belonged to little puppy. It had me thinking, why does he have a puppy on his head? How can anyone not find that distracting? How did the invigilator allow that? Did he even see it? Did bringing that puppy with him even help him at all? I just had so many questions I wanted answered including what can I do about this test?! While I was having yet another dilemma in my head, time slowly passed. Soon Leo announced that in five minutes he is going to give us the tenth question. That is when I totally knew that I screwed up. Before giving us the final question, Leo said that he something to tell us.

"Before giving you the final question in five minutes, I need to tell you guys something."announced Leo. "In five minutes you will be given the final question. If you answer this question correctly, you can move onto the next part."

At that time I received some hope that I only need to answer this question correctly then we move onto the next part.

"If you fail to answer correctly then you and your team will disqualified from the exam and will never be allowed to take it. Ever again."

After hearing that the little hope I had was quickly dashed away as my failure could lead to me and my team staying as low level warriors for ever.

"However, you can chose to quit right now and take the next exam in about a year."

So I was left between a life and death situation. Choose to answer the tenth question and risk being a low level warrior for life or choosing to give up so that my team can study for the next exam in a year and getting humiliated for that duration. Many people had chosen to give up. I could sense that Tamen and Sayla we're worried that I might raise my hand and give up. When he was about to give the final question, I raised my hand. I saw the shock on Hinata's face. But I then put my hand on the desk and said"MY NAME IS KAROOSH!!! I DO CARE FOR MY TEAM'S FUTURE BUT I ALSO WANT TO COMPLETE MY DREAM WHICH IS TO BECOME THE LEADER OF THIS VILLAGE SO NOBODY WILL LOOK DOWN UPON ME AND WILL START RESPECTING ME!! TO BECOME LEADER, THAT IS MY DREAM!!"I said with full confidence.

Apparently my speech had an effect on the other students as they became more confident in themselves. It also had an effect on Leo.

"ALRIGHT THEN!! ALL OF YOU HAVE PASSED!!"said Leo much to our surprise.

"What?! How? What about the third question?"I asked with full confusion.

"There was no question ten."said Leo.

That is when I was sure that nothing made sense.

"All these hard questions were pointless?"asked Sayla.

"No. These questions were there to test your ability to cheat without getting caught."

"That makes sense."I said.

"I also threw in two experienced warriors in there."said Leo.

One of them was the guy beside me.


Then suddenly, a cloud of smoke appeared in front of us. Out of that smoke emerged a female warrior.

"Sorry to startle you guys. My name is Anko and I will be the invigilator of the second part."said Anko.

She looked at the remaining students.

"This much students are left. Leo you're getting soft. Well more than half will be eliminated before I'm done with them. You guys go home and get some rest and meet your team leaders at tomorrow outside the forest."said Anko.

After that we left. I went to join Tamen and Sayla. We agreed to celebrate by eating you know what. That's right. Ramen. We hadn't even made to the second floor when we were confronted by Lee. The guy with the weird looking clothes, bushy hair and even bushier eyebrows.

"You Tamen. I want to fight you."said Lee.

We were shocked.

"I know you have the sharingan and you were the best in our class. So I want to test the limits of your abilities. Let's fight."said Lee.

"Well after little display of speed you gave us when I was about to fight your teammate, I also wanted to see the full extent of your abilities."said Tamen.

"Alright then. LETS GO!!"said Lee.

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