Chapter 5

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"Karoosh wake up. We have to meet master Lui at the training field today."said Tamen as he tried to wake me up.

"Just gimme five more minutes."I said in a sleepy voice.

"Come on. Wake up already. We have to hurry up."

"Oh no. I ain't gonna fall for that trick again."

At that moment I thought that I have finally learned my brother's way of making me get up early.

"This time we really do need to hurry because even I overslept this time and we are ten minutes late."

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! We have to hurry up. Who knows what nature our team leader will be off."

Me and Tamen quickly got dressed, rushed through our breakfast because who would train on a empty stomach and we immediately departed from our home. When we got there, we could only see Sayla standing there, waiting for the rest of the team.

"The team leader still hasn't arrived yet?"I asked.

"No"replied Sayla.

"I guess we weren't the only guys late. Right Karoosh?"said Tamen.

"Seems like it."

"Hey guys why are you two late today? You guys were always one of the first ones to arrive at the academy."asked Sayla.

"You know that Karoosh can't wake up on his own? I'm supposed to bring him back to this world from his land of slumber. Today I also overslept so we were late. And don't think that he will get up on his own anytime soon. He seems a bit incorrigible about his sleeping times."replied Tamen as I looked at him with a look of  frustration.

We waited and waited for a long time. If Tamen would have woken up earlier then we would have a much heavier breakfast. Finally he showed up.

"Hello my teammates. Sorry I am late."


"Just simply lost track of time"

"Like my brother here?"I joked.

"It happened only once. You lose track every time. You don't even know and the whole day has already passed" said Tamen in response to my joke.

"You do have a point. Anyway less start training."

"Ok then. Remember that if the whole team fails then you have to go back to the academy."warned Liu sensei.

"Go back to the academy? I can't go back. I barely made it out."I said.

"Don't worry. The assignment is simple. All you have to do is take these bells from me. Easy as pie."

"That sounds easy. Ready or not because here I come and I will take those bells in no time."

"First give me five minutes to hide then you will get to hunt me down. After that you will have the chance to take these bells."

So we closed​ our eyes. Liu sensei went off. When we opened our eyes again, we started looking. Sayla and and Tamen took a more subtle approach and hid in the trees, while I looked around relentlessly in the open. Stealth wasn't one of my strong areas. I finally found him at the edge of a lake.

"So you found me. I thought that the whole team would be in stealth mode. You know hiding in the trees, waiting for a chance to pounce on me."said master lui.

"I wasn't very good in stealth mode. Besides I do much better when I am out in the open. All right let's do this."

I performed an incantation and created many clones of myself and I came at master lui from all directions​. As a strategy, I created a hole and hid one clone underground. One by one my clones fell. While was fighting Liu sensei, I noticed two figures hiding in the trees. I think Sayla and Tamen found us and were waiting for an opening. Only a few clones were left when the clone that I hid underground grabbed Lui sensei by the feet. Then one locked master lui in a full Nelson.

I heard Tamen saying"well done Karoosh." I also heard Sayla saying"Karoosh when did you get so cool?"

I went in for the kill and tried to punch Liu sensei in the​ face. As soon as my fist was about to connect, there was smoke and I ended up hitting my own clone.

Tamen was disappointed and said"you screwed up again. But still, there was improvement."

By the time I realised what happened, Liu sensei was already gone. So I started the search again. I went here and there to find master Liu. After some while I noticed something shinning below a tree. It was one of the bells. So I sort of went over there to grab the bell when a rope was tied to my ankle hoisting me in the air. Soon I realised that it was a trap. Then master Lui showed up in front of me.

"If you see your objective just lying in front of you with no one nearby then it's a obvious trap."

While I was hoisted upside down and Liu sensei was lecturing me that is when Tamen thought that our sensei's guard is down and this is the perfect time to attack. So he threw some knifes and they hit master Liu.

"Liu sensei just got blasted by knifes. Tamen why did you do it?"

Suddenly there was smoke around the body of our master and then we saw no body. Just a log. Which means that Liu sensei evaded the attack by using the substitution spell.

"Oh no. He just tricked me into thinking that his guard was down so he can find out about my location. I better move."

Tamen began moving to a different position.

Sayla came out of the trees went into the open. Tamen also went out in the open. Sayla and Tamen began searching in different directions.
Sayla each and every time lets her feelings for Tamen come in between her and her objective. She was just wondering around trying to find Liu sensei when she saw a fake Tamen, who was bleeding and was hit with lots of knifes. She was like"Tamen!! What happened?"and then she passed out.

Even I am not that gullible. At least I knew that my brother is too strong just to be killed by knifes. Also my brother would have seen it coming. While Sayla was passed out Tamen managed to locate Liu sensei.

"My younger brother Karoosh failed to take that bell but I am more powerful than him."

Then Tamen performed an incantation and said"fire ball". Then a huge ball of fire erupted from his hands.

"How can he manage to do that spell. It requires​ a lot of power."

Then they fought each other in hand to hand combat. Liu sensei evaded every attack. Master Liu won and buried the lower half of Tamen's still breathing body and went away again. Meanwhile Sayla woke up.

"When I fainted, Tamen was on the verge of death right here. Now he's gone. It's just a trick set by Liu sensei.
I will not fall for that again."

So Sayla went on searching for master Liu untill she came across the half buried Tamen. First was just a stare between the the two. Then Tamen said" what are you looking at?" Then she again fainted. Using one of my knifes, I managed to get free from the trap. I noticed the boxes of food that was left in front of the stone of heroes. Then I remembered that master Liu had told us not to eat untill we have passed our assignment.

Then I thought"what he doesn't know won't hurt me." So I sat down to eat. Just when I was going to start, Liu sensei spotted me. Looks like I'm busted.

Karoosh (Vol.1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें