Chapter 2

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"Karoosh! Come back here this instant!" Said Iruka. Iruka was the teacher of the young warriors in training at the academy. I had runaway from the class while my teacher's back was turned. To gain some attention from the villagers, I had been doing some naughtiness lately. I had been pulling pranks on other residents of the village like, I put chilies in somebody's lunch, I had been stealing fruits from stands because he was hungry. My most hated prank was painting on the leader mountain where the previous leaders' faces had been carved. I painted on their faces as a sign of disrespect, that's what the villagers thought. I only wanted attention.

"Ha! We finally got you Karoosh! We're taking you back to the academy where you learn proper manners and how to stay in the class."

"No! I'm not going back to that boring old academy. It's too boring in there and the rest of the class makes fun of me. I will not go back just to be a class clown," I said.

Iruka replied"well, you will have to go back even you don't pass and become beginner warrior. You will just have to stay in the academy your whole life".

"I can't stay a academy warrior all my life. My dream to become the leader of this village won't come true. And also, I would be a laughing stalk all my life."

"So maybe this will teach you to stay and pay attention in class. You have missed the latest transformation test so because of you the whole class will have to take the test again."

Back at the academy, students line up, waiting for their teacher to call out their names so they can perform their transformation spell. Many of them were criticizing me.

"Karoosh, you stupid idiot! Because you we have you take the test again today" said one of students.

First Iruka sensei called out Tamen. The task was to transform into a exact copy of our teacher. My brother performed the incantation and transformed into Iruka sensei.

Then a innocent-looking, pink haired girl named Sayla was called out. She looked innocent but I had a feeling that there is much more to this girl than meets the eye. For those who have the wrong angle in how I am viewing her, I sensed that she had a side that was not so innocent. She took her turn and successfully completed the task.

Next was my turn. I said"alright everybody it's my turn and I will show all of you how it's done and how I will become the new leader of this village. Then you guys will respect me and look up to me. Here I go".

I performed the incantation and transformed but it wasn't my teacher who I transformed to. I pulled another prank out of nowhere and I transformed into a woman. Everybody was stunned.

"HA HA! All of you fell for my trick. With my knowledge of surprises I think I would be a excellent leader".

"YOU LITTLE TROUBLE MAKER!!!! If you don't fix yourself right now I will make sure that you will stay in this academy until you die!"

"Don't blow a casket. I won't pull anymore tricks right now because I have run out of ideas. LETS DO THIS!!"

I performed the incantation and then tried my best to transform into my teacher. It worked almost. The only thing that went wrong was the face. I failed to transform my face. It stayed the same. Many were laughing at me. Some covered their faces in disbelief.

After school, Tamen​ took me home and had a little chat with me about my failure in the test and about my childish antics.

"Karoosh" said Tamen. "You can't just go around pulling pranks on other people. I know you just want attention but if you keep on doing this then people will hate you more. Also because you ditch class you don't have enough practice with that transformation spell. If you don't take your studies carefully then how can you become the leader of this village."

I replied "Tamen. How does anyone expect me to stay in that boring old class to listen to some boring old man going on and on and on and on about something we have heard about a million times. Besides, the look on his face when he is trying to catch me is hilarious. I think it's fun to pull pranks on other people.

"You think that's it's fun but other people don't. They think you are disrespectful and annoying. They don't believe that someone like you could become their leader. You want to prove them wrong. Come-on I will show you a new trick I recently learned from Iruka sensei."

"Show me."

Once we were behind the house, at the lake, Tamen prepared for the spell. He performed and incantation and said"fire style, fire ball" and raised his hands. A huge ball of fire came out of his hands. I was simply dumbfounded.

"WHOA!!!! Tamen that was amazing!"

"Well if you had stayed in class then you might have learned this trick instead of me."

"Oh great here we go again with the same thing. Tamen I have already told you I can't stay there it's to boring. Even the few times I had stayed in the class, I fell asleep. All I have heard in class was how to properly throw a knife and how to calculate the distance between me and the target. It was the most boring thing ever."

"Well I do agree with you. Most of the time it is boring, but those boring lessons will do you good. They will help you become the leader. Do you think the past three leaders became leaders by ditching school, missing lessons and pulling pranks. They stayed in school paid attention to their teachers to become what they are known for today. So basically what I am trying to say here is that if you want your goal to be achieved, you will have to work hard like the rest of us."

"Okay" I said in a grumpy voice. "I will work hard and never miss school. I want to become strong like you."

"Now you are talking like a true and future leader of this village. It doesn't matter if you surpass me. I want you to be stronger than me. Pay attention in class and become one of the strongest warriors this village has ever seen. Do it for your brother and for your ambition. Let's put aside the emotional talk for now and let's go and grab some ramen".

"YAY!!!!!!! Thanks Tamen," I exclaimed.

In the ramen shop, my brother and I were stuffing our mouths when we were joined by Iruka sensei. Apart from my brother, Iruka sensei was the only one who actually had no problem talking to me.

"Hey you guys. Can I join in as well?"asked our sensei.

"Sure you can"replied Tamen.

Iruka sensei sat down with us, ordered a bowl and began eating. Just the three of us having the time of our lives and stuffing our mouths with ramen.

This did not last long as Iruka sensei had something to tell us.

"Tomorrow is your academy exam. If you pass then you will be able to call yourself warriors."

I was in complete shock because nobody told me. Tamen seemed unfazed.

"Tamen, why are you so calm?" I asked.

Tamen replied" I already knew about this. He told the whole class about it when you were busy painting leader mountain. He told me not to tell you because this would be a learning lesson for you to stay in class no matter how bored you may be. He also told us that the test would be to create three clones of yourself."

"That's easy. I will pass the exam and become a beginner warrior. Just you wait."

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