Chapter 21

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"Tamen, can't we take a break?"I asked.

"You just had one ten minutes ago."said Tamen.

"I need to go and pee."I said.

"You went five minutes ago."said Tamen.

"I need to go again."I said.

"Stop trying to get out of studying and tell me how to calculate the distance between you and your target."

"You first look at how far the target is. Then you see if the target is standing on a pillar or an object that is really high. If the target is above your position then estimate how above it is. Then estimate the distance between you and the object."I said.

"Well done. Now, tell me how to hit a moving target."

"You just simply aim where you think the target is gonna be, not where it is."

"Good. You are really trying, and look how easy it is. If you just payed attention in the academy then we've would've been at the training field, training for the third part."

"I know. I regret that I didn't pay attention in the academy."

"Okay now tell me the answer of the next question."


So Tamen kept asking and I kept answering. There were questions that I couldn't answer and Tamen didn't get mad at me when I told the wrong answer.

"Tamen, it's been an hour. Can I take a break?"I said.

"Ten more minutes, then we will go and have some ramen. After that we will go to the training field."said Tamen.


"Now tell me how to calculate the angle at which you aim your knife."

This was a tricky question. It was really hard.

"Maybe we should skip this one."said Tamen.


"Let's go and get some ramen. I'm feeling kinda hungry."said Tamen.

"Me too."I said.

So we went out to eat ramen.

"Well ain't it my two favorite customers."said the ramen guy.

"Hey. How ya doing?"I asked.

"Fine."said the ramen guy.

"Two bowls of ramen, please."said Tamen.

"Coming right up."

So in a matter of time we were stuffing our faces with ramen. I know that there have been many parts in this story where I am just eating ramen. I just can't help it. Most of the time I run out of ideas so I just eat ramen.

After we had eaten ramen, we went to the training field to get a little combat training. All that time spent studying, to me that means all that time spent suffering, would be for nothing. That is if I passed the first part but couldn't pass the rest. We trained and trained, and before you knew, it was already dark.

So this is how the days went by. We prepared for the exams. We were so busy with the preparation that we didn't even notice that a month had already passed. It was time for the warrior exams. I had gotten up early to get some training done.

I was practicing the spells Obito thought me when a girl approached me. I had seen her before. She used to be in my class when I was in the academy. She had been shy whenever I was around. I guess she has a thing for me but this story is not about love so I will not write about that.

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