Chapter 20

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After a long week, we reached back home. I swear it was the most boring week ever. I had to work on a farm where I never got the time to improve my skills. I swear, if I had to work on that farm for another day, I would committed suicide. I know I said this before and you guys are probably tired of reading the same thing over and over again, it was boring as hell. I figured the first I need to get my mind off the previous week was to have a big bowl of ramen. Maybe two big bowls. Yeah two big bowls. I will take three just in case.

While I was having this little chat with myself, our leader was discussing with his advisors.

"Are you sure?"asked the leader.

"Yes. I am absolutely sure."

"Isn't it a bit too early?"asked the leader.

"No it's not. It's been a year and a half. They can handle it."

"I'm still not convinced."said the leader.

"Hiruzen, my old friend, you have to listen to me. We've been friends for so long. You have to trust me."

"Okay."said Hiruzen.

"That's the spirit. I'm sure you won't regret it."

"I guess so."said Hiruzen.

"All that's left is to call every team leader here and tell them about our little desicion."

"Okay. Call them and tell them."said Hiruzen.

Meanwhile, I had eaten ramen and I was training.

"I had three bowls of ramen and still that boring week is still fresh on my mind."I thought to myself. "All I need is a not so boring mission, or the warrior exams that will promote my rank. Please give me something good. I need something to get my mind of the previous week."

While I was praying for something good to happen, all of the team leaders were gathered in the leader's office.

"I have consulted with the advisors and we have decided. It is final that it is time to hold the warrior exams."said Hiruzen. "All of you will inform your teams and will train them for their promotion. Now go. Tell your teams that the exams will be held in a months time."

After this all of them left the office to do as our leader said. Liu sensei first went to Sayla, he told her to tell me and Tamen to come to the training field. She went to our home just to see Tamen sleeping.

"Hey! Tamen wake up!"said Sayla.

"Hey Sayla. What's going on?"said a sleepy Tamen.

"Sensei wants us at the training field."said Sayla.

"Why?"asked Tamen.

"He wants to tell us something important."said Sayla.

"Okay. Let me go and get Karoosh."said Tamen.

So Tamen went out to find me. He first went to the ramen shop. He asked the guy where I am. He told him that I had gone to the training field which made things easier for him.

Meanwhile, I was trying to improve the spells Obito thought me. I was just minding my own business when Liu sensei showed up.

"Sensei why are you here?"I asked.

"I just told Sayla and Tamen to come here so I'm waiting for them."said Liu sensei.

"Why?"I asked.

"That information will not be disclosed right now."said Liu sensei.

"Why not?"I asked.

"Because I want you guys to know as a team."said Liu sensei.

"Hey guys."

We looked behind. It was Sayla.

"Karoosh, where's Tamen?"asked Sayla.

"He must be on his way here. When he was sleeping, I was eating ramen. After that I came here to practice on those spells Obito thought me."I said.

"Hey guys."

That is when my brother arrived.

"The guy in the ramen shop told me you were here. It made my work easier."said Tamen.

"Now that all of you are here, I will tell you why I have called you here. Our leader told us that in a month, there will be the warrior exams."said Liu sensei.

"Finally! My wish has been heard!"I said in excitement.

"Did you wanted this to happen?"asked Liu sensei.

"Yes. I was praying that something happens so I can get my mind off of our previous mission."I said.

"Is that why you went to the ramen shop?"asked Tamen.

"That and I was hungry."I said.

"Can I please explain you the method of the exams?"asked Liu sensei.

"Okay."we all said.

"The exam is divided into three parts. The first part will test your knowledge."

"Wait a second, are you saying that it's gonna be a writing exam?"I asked.


"About general knowledge?"


"About how to calculate the distance between me and the knife?"


"And more?"

"Much more."

It was at that point I had started panicking on the inside. I knew that I wasn't gonna pass the first part. Then I will be held back while Tamen and Sayla advanced in the rankings and eventually one of them will become leader.

"Starting to feel regret, are we?"said Tamen.

He was right. I was starting to feel regret. I thought that what I learned in the academy won't help me later on. I thought that it was stupid and it wouldn't matter if I ran away from class or slept during class. I guess I was wrong.

"Karoosh, I need you back here on Earth."said Tamen.

"Oh sorry."I said.

"The second part will be held in the forest. You will be locked inside the forest for two weeks."said Liu sensei.

"Two weeks?"asked Sayla.

"Yes. Two weeks. In that time you will have to look for food and water the old fashion way. If you desperately need food or water or you're about to die, we have medical warriors waiting in there just in case."said Liu sensei.

"So basically it's about us learning about how to survive in the harshest conditions?"asked Tamen.

"Yes."said Liu sensei.

"Okay."I said.

"And finally, the third part will be held in that arena right over there."said Liu sensei as he pointed towards the arena just across the street.

"It will test your skills in single hand to hand combat in the form of a tournament."said Liu sensei.

"A tournament?"I asked.

"Yes. A tournament. I'm sure that all of you are thinking that you have to win the tournament to receive the promotion. That's not the case. You don't need to win every single match, you only have to perform good. If you guys do lose in the first match, you still have a chance at that promotion."said Liu sensei.

"I suggest that we get started to train for the third part."I said.

"Karoosh, we will not start with the third part. We need to focus on the the first part. And by we I mean you."said Tamen.

"Why?"I asked.

"Because your general knowledge sucks and if you fail in the first part, you will not receive that promotion."said Tamen.

"Okay. But we will take brakes."I said.

"Okay. Now let's go home."said Tamen.

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