Chapter 6

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"What are you doing?"asked master Liu.

"Nothing. Just sitting around and eating."I replied.

Then he tied me up to a log and called Sayla and Tamen.

When they came he told us that it's time for a break and Sayla and Tamen can eat lunch. I would still be tied up to the log and would watch them eat lunch. Master Liu went to take a nap under a tree.

"Come-on guys please let me have a bite. I am hungry. Tamen your my brother please let me take a bite."

When it looked like that I wasn't getting any food, Tamen offered his.

"There's no point in letting you starve. All teammates​ have to eat properly or else the mission will not be successful. Also your my brother, I can't let you suffer."

"Tamen you ear yours. I will feed him."said Sayla.

So she began feeding me her food with her bare hands. Suddenly master Liu came infront of us.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to break the rules. Don't send us back to the academy."Sayla began pleading.

"I am not going to send you back to the academy. I will drop you from the program completely because you have disregard for the school rules."

"No. We will fight for our teammate. Even if it means that we will die. Also he is my brother."said Tamen as he was defending me.

"Yeah! We will put our life on the line for our teammate."said Sayla.

"Alright then. All of you have passed. It wasn't about getting the bells, I was about teamwork. Those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon their team on a mission are worse than scum. You guys are probably hungry so go and get some ramen. After you have eaten, meet me in our leader's office and you will be given your first mission."

"YEAH!!!"I shouted in excitement. Then I asked"Aren't you going to untie me?"

I was freed from the rope and went to get some ramen. After I went to our leader's office.

"Today you will get your first mission.
Mission are classified as S rank, A rank, B rank, C rank and D rank. The less experienced warriors are given C and D rank missions. Warriors that have passed the exam once are given B and C rank missions. Warriors that have passed the exam twice are given A and B rank missions while our village special forces get A and S rank missions. Now since you are just starting out so for a few days you will be getting only D rank missions."explained our leader.

"Enough with the explanation, give us our mission."

"Calm down Karoosh. Be patient."said Tamen.

"Young minds are always this enthusiastic. So your first mission is helping this woman mow her lawn. I know you this mission may not be exciting but you guys have to start at the bottom of the ladder."

So we went along and mowed her lawn. Days went by and we were getting only D rank missions until I had enough and demanded a C rank mission. He accepted it and we got the mission to defend a master builder and escort him to a neighbouring village.

We were at the gate of our village when I couldn't control the urge of excitement in me.

"Oh yeah. Let's do this. This mission will be done in no time."

"Oh shut up you annoying brat."said the person we have protect.

"Oh what did you say?"I asked.

"I said shut up. You are so annoying. Kind of like a little girl."

"When I become the leader of this village, you won't call me annoying then."

"You, a leader? I will die of old age before that happens."

"Why don't you put this in your bingo book. My name is Karoosh and I will become the leader someday and then people will stop looking down on me. I will become a leader and I will never go back on my word. No matter what."

"Alright Karoosh that's enough. Let's go."said Liu sensei.

So we left the village. I had no idea where we had escort this guy so I asked master Liu. He said we will escort him to the land of waves. A very poor area which is owned by a evil man. He does not let any products made there pass through. So as a result the people there were very poor. Just then we were attacked by two other warriors. They went for master Liu. They hit him but he used the substitution spell. Then he just hid in the trees.

"Alright our first fight against other warriors. Let's see how strong our team really is."I said in excitement.

So me and Tamen engaged them in frontal combat while​ Sayla was starting guard infront of our builder. They proved to be much stronger than us. Their knifes were coated with poison. I know because I got hit with one. Just when it seemed like that we were going to die, master Liu jumped out and took out those two guys in a flash.

"Karoosh, we have to get you to a hospital before that poison spreaders throughout your entire body."

"There is no way that I am going back to the village."

Then I took out a knife and hit it where that poisoned knife had hit me.

"Well the poison has been neutralized but you do know that if you lose more blood you will die?"

"How about you just put a medicine on my wound and wrap it. So I can heal and fight at the same time."

Before going on with our journey, master Liu asked our companion some questions.

"You only said that you needed protection against thieves. You didn't say that there will other warriors. Otherwise this mission will be classified as a A rank mission."

"I don't have enough money for a A rank mission. The ruler of our land does not let us trade with other villages."

Then he told us that the ruler's​ name was Gato. He was responsible for the miserable life in the land of waves. He owned the sea routes that lead in and out of the village. The completion of the bridge meant Gato's failure and he would lose control over the people.
We continued with our journey.
When we reached a lake, we were again ambushed. A sword went right passed my face, just missing me by a few inches. The sword hit a tree and got stuck. A person emerged from the trees and stood on the sword.

"Who the heck are you?"I asked.

He replied"I am Zabuza Momochi and this the last moment of your life because death just came by knocking."

Karoosh (Vol.1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon