Chapter 10

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The pressure Haku felt, sensei and Zabuza also felt it.

"What's happening in there?"Zabuza said as he looked at the trap of mirrors Haku created.

"Sensei, do you feel that?"asked Sayla.

"Yes and there is only one conclusion. Karoosh is now mad and the seal is broken."

"What seal?"

"Inside that loud mouth kid, lies a demonic power. It was sealed away when he was six years old when his parents gave up their lives. It is a trick that requires two people to give up their lives."

"The beast inside that kid, was it that strong?asked Zabuza.

"Yes. If it wasn't stopped it could've destroyed our entire village. But what could've triggered it? Could it be that Tamen is dead?"

Inside the trap.

"This power. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before."said Haku.

"Now let's begin round two."I said.

Haku used his speed and the mirrors to get around me but I could see his every move. First he tried to attack me from behind but just when he got close enough, swung around and punched him in the face. Haku was left startled.

"How did he know I was right behind him? Let's try again."

Again he used the mirrors and his speed to try and hit me but again I  punched but this it was it the guy where it hurts the most.

"Agh. He hit me in the gut. Ok time to get serious. This let's try frontal attack."

He again used his speed and the mirrors to hit me. And again I hit him in the face and he collided with one of his mirrors with such force that the mirror broke. Thus ending the spell.
My punch took off Haku's mask. It revealed to be the boy who looked like a girl who woke me up when is asleep in the woods. Seeing that face I went into shock and I returned to my  normal state.

"You're that boy who came to me in the forest. You woke me up and you told that when it comes to protecting someone you love, you will become stronger. You were right."I said.

"I am no match for you. Zabuza I am no match for this boy. Karoosh, hit me with all your anger. All your might. I am no longer of use to Zabuza."

"You are not something to be used. You are a living being. And with just one little failure can't stop you from existing. If you are smart enough you can learn from your mistakes and succeed the next time."I said.

"No! You must kill me. I killed your brother."

"He is not dead. I know him more than you."

"Anyway, I still hurt your brother. Hit me NOW!!"

So I did. I punched him in the face and he fell down but he got up.

"You didn't do that with all your rage."

While Haku was having this dilemma, sensei and Zabuza were still fighting. Actually they were just having a argument as sensei hit both of Zabuza's arms with knifes.

"You lose Zabuza. You can't hit me anymore."said Liu sensei.

"You're right. I lose. Now kill me with one of your stolen techniques."

"Yeah. They call me the copy warrior because I have stolen techniques from my opponents. Let me show you a technique that I created my self."

Then a huge sharp piece of lightning appeared​ around sensei's hand. He shocked everyone.

"His power, it's so strong that it's visible."said Sayla.

"This one is called the lighting blade. It can kill people. Now you die phantom."

Liu sensei ran towards Zabuza with the intention of kill. Before sensei could hit Zabuza, Haku dived infront of the attack. Blood was spilt and Haku was dead.

"He saved me at the cost of his own life."said Zabuza.

Haku's​ lifeless body fell down.

"He sacrificed​ his life for you."said sensei.

"I know. Thank you Haku."

"Well well, look what we have here."said a unknown voice.

"Gato, it's you."

It was Gato, the man who hired Zabuza to kill Hanzo.

"Zabuza I am really disappointed with you. You are the demon of the mist and yet you were defeated."said Gato as he walked towards Haku's body.

"Well he got the worst of it."said Gato and then he kicked Haku's body.

"Both of you are better off dead."

After this Zabuza had heard enough. He quickly grabbed a knife with mouth and he ran towards Gato.

"What! What are you doing?"asked Gato as he tried to run away.

Zabuza had a knife which he held on to with his mouth. He wanted to murder Gato but before that he had to go through forty of Gato's thugs. With only a knife and his feet, he managed to get pass the army of thugs although several of them had struck his back with weapons. He succeeded in killing Gato but he could not survive after all the punishment he had taken​. The thugs were upset that Gato was dead and there was nobody to pay them. So they settled on killing Hanzo. Then every villager that was tormented by Gato and his thugs came. Each of them holding a household weapon. After this the thugs dispersed. Zabuza was still alive but was fatally injured.
With his last dying breath, he called Liu sensei.

"Liu come over here. I need to ask you a favour. Please put me beside Haku."

"Okay."Liu sensei replied.

So Liu sensei did as Zabuza told.

"Haku, you helped me ever since I found you. You have saved my life countless times. You were beside me for a long time. The least that I could do is stay beside you at the very end. I wish that I could go where you are going. So good bye my friend."said Zabuza with last breath.

So when the bridge was completed, our mission had been a success. Hanzo named this bridge The Great Karoosh Bridge. On the way back to our village I was in deep thought.

"Liu sensei, I was thinking that I kind of liked those two. I don't know why."I said.

"So did I. I hadn't used my sharingan in quite a while. Also I know why you liked them. It was your first time, in a actual fight where there was a possibility that you could die. That's​ what happened to me in my first mission"said Liu sensei.

"Yeah. Also while me and Tamen were doing that training excercise, Haku gave me inspiration that helped me complete that assignment. Also I'm happy that Tamen's up and walking again. He's the last family I have."

"Not anymore. Me and Sayla, we're part of your family to now. The both of us will help you if you ever need it."

"Thank you sensei."

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