Chapter 17

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It was day two at the land of Snow. It was as chilling as always and again I wasn't sure if it was morning. Obito and Tamen woke me up. We had breakfast and then went out to train.

"Hey, do you have any information on the guy who wants to buy this land?"Liu sensei asked Danzo just before he left.

"Yeah. His name is Hagomoro. He is Zabuza Momochi's older brother."said Danzo.

"Zabuza had a older brother?"asked Liu sensei in complete disbelief.

"Yeah. Hagomoro is alot stronger than Zabuza. Gato tried to make him is servant but he refused and said that he worked worked for no one. He may seem like a nice guy and believe me  he is. But he gets so mad when people say no to him. That's when he is dangerous."said Danzo.

"I see."said Liu sensei.

"He'll be back to first kill us then he will occupy our land."said Danzo.

"In that case we'll stay here until we beat him."said Liu sensei.

"Okay."said Danzo as he left for their leader's office.

Meanwhile, Obito was teaching me his lighting enhanced knife spell.

"Karoosh, focus all of your power at the center of your hand."said Obito.

"Okay."I said as I began to focus.

"Once you're done with focusing, take out a knife."said Obito.


"Then transfer the power onto that blade."


"Once you're done with that, throw the knife at that tree."said Obito.


I did as Obito said. I first focused all my power at my hand. Then I took out a knife and transferred my power into it. Then I threw it at the target. It didn't work.

"That's okay. I didn't expect you to learn it so quickly. That would've been outstanding."said Obito.

While Obito was teaching me his spells, Rin was teaching Tamen her spells. Tamen had already learned how to make shadow clones so I wasn't the only one in my team who could make clones. Rin had teaching Tamen her wind style. He was doing really good. Meanwhile, Liu sensei had thought Sayla how to make water clones. So our whole team could make clones. Different kinds of clones but still, they were clones.

"Karoosh, try again."said Obito.

I kept on trying and trying until I completely drained my power supply.

"Man this is so hard."I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"I know. It took me a month to completely master it."said Obito.

Then Mitchell called us in for lunch.

"Guys! Lunch is ready."said Mitchell.

"Let's have lunch. You will regain your power after some rest and a good meal."said Obito.

"Speaking of a good meal, I am hungry."I said as we went inside to eat.

I had to admit that Mitchell is a really good cook. I mean her cooking is simply divine. If you guys were there and if I could describe perfectly then your mouths would have watering right now.

"Your cooking is really good."I said.

"You must really like my cooking."said Mitchell.

"I do. That's why I'm gonna have a second helping. And a third. And a Fourth. And a fifth. And a sixth just in case."I said.

"Does he always eat this much?"asked Obito.

"Yeah. He once hand ten bowls of ramen for breakfast after I made him five grilled cheese sandwiches."said Tamen.

"Oh my god."said Rin.

"It's like he has a black hole in his stomach. That's he can eat countless times and still stay thin."said Tamen.

"I also exercise much."I said.

"Yeah. He does. It's a long walk from out house to the ramen shop."said Tamen.

"Shouldn't we go out again and practice."said Liu sensei.

"Okay. Let's go."I said.

We went outside.

"Karoosh, remember what I told you?"said Obito.

"About what?"I asked.

"About how to do that spell."said Obito.

"Yes. I do."I said.

I began to focus all my power at my hand. Then I took out a knife and transferred my power into it. Then I threw the knife at the target. It didn't work. I again tried and again I failed.

"It will come to you. I know it. You will master that spell when you least expect it."said Obito.

"Thanks for the comfort."I said.

"You're welcome."

I tried a few more times, then I finally started to get it. I threw the knife and I saw a spark around the knife, Obito also saw it.

"Well done. At least we know that you're getting it."said Obito.

"Yeah. Maybe I should take a little rest."I said as I went back inside the house to grab something to eat.

"Glad to see that Karoosh is getting the hang of it."said Tamen.

"It's so satisfying seeing siblings accomplish things."said Rin.

"Yeah. You're right."said Tamen.

"I think there's no more I can teach you. You have already learned all my spells."said Rin.

"You know if I had used my sharingan while you two were showing us your spells, I would have easily learned all your spells."said Tamen.

"I know."said Rin.

Meanwhile, Mitchell was making a grilled cheese sandwich.

"I really appreciate it that you like my cooking."said Mitchell.

"I really like to eat. So to me, food tastes a lot better."I said.

My grilled cheese sandwich was done and I was eating it when Obito, Tamen, Sayla, Liu sensei, and Rin came in as well.

"Are you guys hungry as well?"asked Mitchell.

"Yes."all of them said.

So Mitchell started making more grilled cheese sandwiches while people were looking at my food with greedy eyes. It seemed like that they are hungry and they will kill me and then eat my grilled cheese sandwich.
They look at my food and then they call me greedy.

Soon their sandwiches were also done and they stopped looking at my food because I finished it.

Suddenly we heard a lot of screaming coming from outside. We rushed outside to see the village was being attacked. We immediately spring into action.

"The village is being attacked!"I said.

"We know. What we don't know who's behind this attack."said Sayla.

Just then, he appeared. Hagomoro.

"It's Hagomoro!"said Obito.

"Who's Hagomoro?"asked Sayla.

"He's the guy who wants this land."said Rin.

"Hello people."said Hagomoro with a sadistic smile. "I told your leader, that if he doesn't sell me his land I will take it my force. Lucky for you, I won't fight right now. I will leave the dirty work for my army."

"Guys we are about to have an all out war here."said Liu sensei.

"We will beat him and save this land."I said.

"Enthusiastic at the time of your death. I like that."said Hagomoro.

"It's not us who will die. It's you."said Obito.

"Come and try. If you dare."

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