Chapter 23

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So we just got out of a test that was absolutely mind wrecking. I mean really mind wrecking. I seriously tried to think of an answer but nothing came up. It was so hard I'm trying to recover from the mental damage. So we just got out from the exam and the first thing we're gonna do is fight a guy who has absolutely no fashion sense.

"Come on Tamen! You can beat him!"I said.

"Yeah. Tamen show him what you can do!"said Sayla.

The battle started and Lee was really fast. Out of nowhere, he kicked Tamen in the head. Tamen went flying away.

"WHOA!! HE'S REALLY FAST!!"I said in disbelief.

"He's fast. Looks like I may have underestimated him. Now it's time to use my sharingan."Tamen thought to himself.

He used his sharingan. Tamen could see Lee's movements but could barely keep up with them.

("His attacks, I can see them but I can't keep up. If decides to create an opening then I will be a goner.")

So Lee did create an opening and high kicked Tamen into the air. Soon he was flying horizontally in the air. Lee went after him. Soon he too was flying horizontally right below Tamen. He was loosening his hand bandages, getting ready to attack when a knife suddenly came and hit his bandage. That part of the bandage was cut off and both Lee and Tamen landed on the ground on their feet. Tamen had some scratches on his face. Then suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared. Out of that smoke came out a giant turtle. Yes. A giant turtle. Lee was apologizing to it like it was his sensei.

I asked my team"You two can see that turtle, right?" They said yes. So it hit me, that a turtle can be a sensei too.
Then suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared upon the turtle. Out of emerged a guy with the same fashion sense as Lee and with even bushier eyebrows than Lee's. We were like" WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!!?"



"NO!! I WAS TOO BUSY WATCHING HIM COME FROM UNDER A TURTLE!!!"I said as we were engaged in a war of words.

"Lee. You know that technique is forbidden."said Guy.

"Yes! I'm sorry Guy sensei!! I am prepared for the punishment!"said Lee.

"Okay. Lee, get ready for your punishment. YOU FOOL!!!!"said Guy as he punched Lee in the face.

I thought that a punishment should be more severe than that. I mean a punch in the face? Even I could've done that to him if he goes easy on me.

So after all that Tamen went to get some medicine for his cuts. Me and Sayla went to eat Ramen. On the way we saw Konahamaru and his friends being picked on by a guy wearing all black clothes and beside him I saw a girl wearing a white top, white skirt and leggings trying to stop him.

"Can on man, let the kids go."said the girl.

"I'm just having fun. Seriously sis, you don't let me do anything."said the boy.

"HEY!!! LET THEM GO!!"I bursted out.

"Karoosh!! Help me!!!"asked Konahamaru.

"How can he help you? He looks weak."said the guy.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S WEAK."I said as I charged towards him. He grabbed me and put me against the wall.

"You thought that you could fight me? Please don't try to make me laugh."

Then suddenly a pebble came flying threw the air and it hit the guy. It was Tamen. He was standing on top of a wall.

"Don't hurt my brother."said Tamen.

"Well well. Local hottie."said the girl.

And there it is. Whenever Tamen meets a new girl, they immediately fall in love with him. He has the ability to steal many girl's hearts by using only his looks. He might even steal your girlfriend. So where was I? Oh yeah.

"Who are you? Where are you from?"asked Tamen.

"My name is Temari and this is Kankuro. We are from the sand village."said the girl.

"And why are you here?"asked Sayla.

"We're here for the exams."said Kankuro.

"Kankuro, Temari, what are you doing here?"asked an unfamiliar voice behind Tamen.

It was a guy with red hair, weird markings on his face and one of those sand carriers on his back.

"Sorry Gara. Come on Temari, let's get rest for the second part tomorrow."said Kankuro.

("He crept up behind me without making any noise. Only warriors at Liu sensei's level are that fast.")Tamen though to himself.

So Temari, Kankuro and Gara left. We were wondering about who they were and are they as they look. To forget about our friendly encounter with warriors from the sand village, we went to the ramen shop to eat some ramen. It worked. Nothing will make you forget about something as well as ramen. At least that's my personal opinion.

After eating ramen, Sayla went back home. Me and Tamen went to get some training done. Tamen helped me in my hand to hand combat skills. Not only that but he also helped me in my aiming and I also got to practice the spells Obito thought me. So overall, it was a okay day.

On our way back to our home, we saw an old lady being mugged by a group of thugs. Again. Old lady, mugged by thugs. I thought our village was supposed to be a safe place for everyone. You know, with the less mugging and more happiness. But that just wasn't the case. So an old lady was being mugged by five thugs.

"HEY!!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!"said Tamen.

"What are you gonna do about it?"asked one of the thugs.

"Like we said to everyone we've ever faced, you shouldn't underestimate us."said Tamen.

"You say that like we made a grave mistake."said another thug.

"You did make a mistake."said Tamen.

So we went on and beat them with ease. They ran away after being humiliated by us.

"You saved me."said the old Lady.

"It was nothing."I said.

"We couldn't just ignore it."said Tamen.

"Such sweet boys."said the old lady.

"Would you like us to escort you to your home."asked Tamen.

"Yes please. I don't trust these streets anymore."said the old lady.

So we did help her to her home. She did offer us tea and some snacks but we told her that we need to rest for the exam tomorrow. After that we went home. It was late so we put on our pajamas and went to sleep.

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