Chapter 3

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"Karoosh, wake up! It's time for school."said Tamen as he tried to wake me up.

"Tamen, just give me five more minutes. I am really tired."I replied.

"Tired for what? Stuffing your face with ramen? You have to get dressed, eat your breakfast and then go to school. Today is our graduation exam."

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!" I said as I woke up and sat like a dead man arising from my grave.

I immediately got out off bed, got dressed, ate my breakfast and went of to school with my brother. We were actually one of the first ones there.

"Tamen, you said that we were getting late. There is hardly anyone here."

"I didn't tell that we were late. I only told you what you had to do before we left. You were the one who assumed that we were late and I am not responsible for that."

I became totally speechless because my brother outsmarted me again.

Then Iruka sensei came into the class and made an announcement.

"Okay so whoever I call, that person should make his or her way to the examination room where he or she will be tested for their skills. If you pass then you will receive a headband. That person must wear that headband whenever awake. It is a symbol of equality in this village. First up is our star student Tamen."

I wanted to be the first one to take the test but my hopes were dashed away when Tamen's name was called out first. As expected he came back with a headband on his forehead. One by one students went and came back with a headband. My name was called out at the last. I went in and was shocked to see the current leader as one of the invigilators of the exam. They told me what to do if I wanted to pass the exam.

"Okay Karoosh,"said our leader. "We know that you want to become the leader of this village. Show us what you got. Then we will decide if you have the makings of a leader."

The I performed the incantation and tried to make an exact copy of my self. I failed, miserably if I might add.

"Well you do have potential in you and I am thinking to let you go this time and give you the headband," said our leader.


To that our leader replied"He does have a point. Karoosh you failed the test so we can't give you the headband , but we can give you one last chance to try again. When will that chance come? We don't know."

I ,in a sad and gloomy voice,said"Okay. I understand."

The next day all the other students came to the academy with there parents, happily meeting with Iruka sensei , while I was sitting on the swing outside the academy,watching else happy children wearing headbands. I even heard some of the students talking about me. I heard somebody saying that they were glad that I failed. The only one that consoled me was my brother.

As soon as my brother left to train, one of the invigilators came to me and said"Karoosh, I know of the secret scroll that has all the of the magic spells ever performed. I know where it is and how to get to it. If you like I can always steal it and give it to you."

I replied"No. I don't want to ruin my image further. These people already hate me."

"That's why you will not steal it. I will do the dirty work, from which you will benefit."

"Okay. Steal the scroll and give it to me. But we have to put it back before anyone sees me."

"Okay. You wait in the forest and i will fetch the scroll."

I waited a really long time for him to return. I waited the whole day. Just when I was about to leave, he finally showed up.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you that I was waiting for it to get dark so I can go in without anyone noticing me."

"Why didn't I see that coming?

"Here's the scroll. It has all the tricks you need. Just make sure that nobody sees you."


Meanwhile, back at the leader's office,
the same person who gave me the scroll, was telling our leader about the stolen scroll.

"Now are you sure that Karoosh stole the scroll?" Asked our leader.

"Yes. I am sure." Replied the invigilator.

"Now why would he steal it?"asked our leader.

"Isn't it obvious? Remember when when I told you that Karoosh is not worthy of becoming a warrior? So in my opinion, he stole the scroll to prove me wrong. He will practice some of the spells and will show them to us at the next time he takes the exam. We have to find him before he learns the spells."

"I agree with you. We have to find him. Do you have any idea where he might be?"

"It has to be somewhere away from the rest of the village. I think he might be in the forest. Let me find him. I will take the scroll back."

"I will have Iruka to come with you. He knows Karoosh better. He will be a great help."said the leader.

"Okay. Me and my brother Iruka will go and find in the forest."

Thus they began a search to find me. They even came close. When he had caught to me, he threw a demon knife at me.

I suppose you are wondering what a demon knife is. A demon knife is a fancy name for a sword.

I thought that this is where I will die and my dream to become leader will be taken away. Just then I was saved by Iruka sensei. He dived in front of me and the demon knife pierced his body.

"KAROOSH, RUN!!!!!!!!!"said Iruka sensei as he saved my life.

I did what he told me to do,but with a little amendment. I did not run but I hid behind a tree.

"Iruka, why did you save him?"asked the guy who tried to kill me.

"I saved him because he is my student."replied teacher Iruka.

"He is a monster. He killed our friends. He is not like other students. He can't control his powers. He would end up killing everyone in this village."

"You're right. He is not like other students. He is someone special. In class while I am teaching, I cry over the loss of our friends. Karoosh's childish actions brings happiness in my heart. He reminds me of when we were Young. I think of Karoosh not as my student but as my own son. He is Karoosh and he is a future leader of this village."

Upon hearing this, I started to cry. That is when I knew I have somebody else than my brother.

"Little brother, you have the wrong idea. Therefore I can't let you live. It was nice knowing you. Now you DIE!!!!"

"LET MY TEACHER GO!!!!!!!!"I exclaimed before he had a chance to kill.

I performed an incantation and shouted"multiple shadow clones!!!!"and I attacked my teacher's brother. And he was never heard from again.

Then I went to see if Iruka sensei was okay.

"Iruka sensei, are you okay?"I asked.

"Yes I am fine. Karoosh close your eyes. I want to give you something."

I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I found a headband on my forehead.

"Our leader gave me the honor of choosing anyone who I think has the skills to be a warrior, and I chose you. You have demonstrated that you are worthy of that headband."said teacher Iruka.

"Well I told you that I will graduate from the academy. This moment right here marks my journey of becoming the leader of this village."

"I'm sure it does. Which reminds me,are you hungry? I was thinking about getting some ramen."

"Was that a question to ask? When am I not hungry? Let's grab some ramen."

Karoosh (Vol.1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें