Chapter 14

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"Tamen wake up."I said.

"Hey how come you are the one who wakes up early?"asked Tamen.

"Actually you're the one who overslept this time."I said.



"Let's hurry up. First we go to the leader's office to see if he's got any missions for us."

"But before that we go to the ramen shop for breakfast. Right?"



Before going to the leader's office, we did what we always do. Go to the ramen shop and eat ramen. After that we went to our leader's office. When we got there, we saw Liu sensei and Sayla were already there waiting for us.

"Ah, you two have arrived. I have a new mission for you guys."said our leader.

"A new mission?"I asked.


"So where do we have to go?"asked Tamen.

"You're going to the Land of Snow. I want you guys to investigate what's happening over there."

"What's wrong over there?"asked Sayla.

"A few days ago we received a message that weird things are going on."

"What kind of things?"

"I don't know. That is why I am sending you guys over there to find out."

"So this Land of Snow, is it gonna be covered in snow?"I asked.

"Yes of course. It isn't called the Land of Snow because it's covered in red hot flaming lava."said Tamen.

"Good point."

"So you guys better go home and pack."said our leader.

"What time do we leave?"

"You guys leave tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you."

So we left the office and went home.

"Okay first we get our winter clothes out and pack them for now. We will set off in the clothes we are wearing right now. As we get closer to the Land of Snow, we will change into our winter clothes. Okay."explained Liu sensei as we left the office.

"Okay."the three of us said at the same time.

After that we went home to get ready.

"So we're gonna lots of knifes, heavy clothing, lots of rest, and paper bombs."

A paper is like a time bomb but it is made of paper which explodes when it burns off. The fire starts when the bomb is set.

An hour later,"It took us an hour to pack."

"Yup. So what now?"

"I know. We get some ramen."

"We had breakfast two hours ago."

"So? Can't I get hungry again?"I asked.

"You should go on a diet."


"You should go on a diet."


"You eat to much."

"That is a fact. Some of my clothes have been getting tighter."

"That's why you really need to go on a diet. You're getting fat."

"Yeah but after we come from our mission."

"Okay. Just as long as you do go on a diet."

"So can I have some ramen now?"

"Sure. Knock yourself out."


So I went. I was going along untill a boy came up to me.

"Hey, you helped my grandmother from those bad people who were teasing her."

"What? Oh you mean that sweet old lady who was being mugged by the thugs the other day."

"I just wanted to say thank you."

"You're welcome."I said as I Pat the boy on his head.

Then suddenly the boy's father came running towards us.

"Hey! Let go of my son!"shouted the boy's father. "Son don't you ever go near him. He's a monster. He will hurt you."

"He helped Grandma when she was attacked by two bad guys."

"Those two guys are probably dead."said the boy's father as he took his his son away.

I hoped that people had forgotten about that incident but it seems it's still fresh on the minds. I may be happy looking on the outside but I am still broken down on the inside. It is said that the most broken down people smile the brightest. After all that I went to have some ramen. After I had my lunch, I went back home to see that Tamen, Sayla and Liu sensei were playing cards.

"Oh hey. You're back from the ramen shop."said Tamen.

"I see you're busy playing with Sayla and sensei."I said.

"Yeah. You want to play?"asked Tamen.



"Just not in the mood."

"You want some of my cake?"asked Sayla.

"No."I said.

"Why? Are you okay?"asked Liu sensei.


"What happened?"asked Tamen.

"You remember that old lady? Who we met the day after we returned from the Land of Mist? Her grandson came to me today. He said that he just wanted to thank me for saving her life. I just patted him on his head when his father came running towards me. He said to get away from his son. Then he called me a monster. The boy told his father of how we helped his grandma and sent the the thugs away but he said that the I killed the thugs. It's been five years since our parents died. I thought that people have forgotten about that incident but they remember it like it happened yesterday."I said as tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Look you are not a monster. You are a human being who is completely misunderstood. You are a warrior. You saved that old lady from those thugs. You are a hero. They just don't know it yet."said Tamen.

"You are just a normal boy with a hidden power that nobody understands. People will fear what they don't understand. In time people will understand the real you, and they will know how they were wrong. Until then you will just have to bear everything they say to you, and to do that we will help you."said Sayla then she took of my headband and kissed my forehead just to make me feel better.

"Everyone is this room will help you get over what those people say to you. We are teammates and treat your teammates like family. Like family, everyone of us will help you through the hard times."said Liu sensei.

"Thanks guys. Especially Tamen and Sayla. You guys made me feel a whole lot better."I said.

"So do you want to play?"

"Okay."I said as I sat down beside Sayla.

"Want some of my cake?"


Then I started eating. We played for quite a long while. After Sayla and Liu sensei had left, I went to sleep because I was feeling so sleepy. After some while Tamen also came in to sleep. We had a long day ahead if us and sensei I sensei said that we have to wake up earlier then we usually do so I did a good thing going to bed early.

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