Chapter 1

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Harry Styles was bored. Beyond bored. He'd resorted to watching an old rerun of This Old House on PBS because there was nothing else on while he sat in the communal dressing room for him and his bandmates. His phone was silent, he'd left his book back in his hotel room and he was full, so eating was out of the question. Besides he'd just worked out and he didn't want to undo what he'd just done.

His bandmate Louis Tomlinson was seated next to him, brow furrowed, embroiled in a heated game of Words with Friends. Harry watched as Louis constructed one word and then another, finally settling on a word and playing it. Louis turned his head quickly, catching Harry while he stared at the screen. Harry quickly turned his head back to the TV.

Louis shook his head,

"Don't you have yoga to do or something?"

Harry tried desperately to make it seem like he hadn't just been staring at Louis' phone,


Louis rolled his eyes and turned back to his phone,

"You heard me."

Harry lifted his mug of tea to his lips and took a generous sip. Being restless like he was was an unwelcome occurrence while on tour. He was tired of doing the same old thing with the same old people at the same old places night after night. If it wasn't a bar, then it was a club. If it wasn't a blonde model, then it was a brunette model. What he needed was to break up the monotony, and fast.

Louis snorted,

"Yeah right."

Harry reached over to grab one of the pillows on the couch and launch it at Louis,


Louis ducked just in time, laughing as the pillow went sailing across the room and landed at Niall's feet. He snickered and shook his head,

"Going to the club tonight with Liam and Niall, maybe you could fit us into your busy Pilates schedule and go with us this time. Then you can stop being such a stick in the mud."

Harry pretended to be reading something hugely important on his phone as he flashed his middle finger at Louis,

"I can't hear you."

Louis laughed and shook his head,

"Who would've thought, Harry Styles gets boring as he gets older."

Harry shook his head and stared at the black screen of his phone. If only someone would've texted or called him just then, even though he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.


Jennifer Sletten was a little drunk. Which was really nothing new. She'd spent most of the afternoon waiting for her best friend Holly Stone to finish her interview with Rolling Stone while playing a heated game of Words with Friends against Louis. Jennifer wasn't about to lose to the sharp tongued, competitive, oldest member of One Direction. Not after spending so much time dragging him. The last thing she needed was to give him any kind of ammunition against her whatsoever.

"What the hell kind of word is that, Tomlinson?" She grumbled.

Holly walked out from the bathroom, pulling at her outfit as per usual. No matter how many times Jennifer told her she looked fine, she would always feel self-conscious in her "Performer" clothes. Jennifer knew the interview earlier that day had made Holly nervous. So had the photoshoot done for the story where Holly was made up to look like Ava Gardner. Holly had never been quite comfortable with her looks. Which annoyed Jennifer since Holly was your typical All-American skinny blonde girl with rock hard abs and an ass that wouldn't quit,

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