Chapter 29

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Holly must've cried for about two hours straight. She had finally calmed down enough to take another shower, just in the hopes that it would make her feel better. She walked into her bedroom for her pajamas, sinking down on the bed with a sigh when her eyes fell on the photo of her and Liam she'd set on the nightstand by her bed.

She couldn't possibly begin to imagine feeling any worse about this whole situation. She'd fallen so hard and so fast for him. He made her laugh like nobody else. They were comfortable together and there was a connection and a friendship she couldn't begin to explain.

She closed her eyes, lying down on the pillow as she tried to get her mind around the fact that he'd come to her apartment not to apologize, but to tell her he wanted to call things off. She took a shaky breath and sighed, closing her eyes. She wasn't sure what to do next.

She spotted her keyboards just across the room and sighed. Most of the time when she was in a funk, she could write or sing and it would instantly make her feel better. She pulled the keyboards onto the bed and sighed, brushing the tears from her eyes. She put her chin in her hands and for some reason her mind wandered to Jennifer.

She wondered what it was like to be in a place that felt totally isolated from even the people who were closest to you. And then Holly became painfully aware that her current situation was exactly the same as Jennifer's, minus the addiction. Was this what it was like for her best friend? Suffocating in a world where just to run from the pain she would turn to destroying herself.

The guilt that washed over Holly then felt like a tidal wave and she was drowning in it. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes. She looked down at the glossy black and white keys. She didn't understand what Jennifer was dealing with anymore than she could understand why Liam suffered from the same. But she felt completely alone and isolated in the moment and her heart was broken for her best friend.

Jennifer had always been there for her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the music hit her like a ton of bricks.

When she stopped playing, she opened her eyes slowly. She might not be able to understand the addiction itself. But the one person who meant the most to her in the whole world was hurting and alone. And right then, Holly could understand.

She grabbed a pen and her notepad and started writing down the words she'd just sang. She grabbed her cell phone and tapped it until she found Harry's number and called him.

"Hey," She said into the phone, "I know it's getting late....but could you meet me at the studio? I have something I want you to hear. I'd like to record it and I don't want to wait."


Jennifer looked up when she heard a knock on the door of her apartment. She walked over and opened the door, letting out a relieved sigh when she realized it was Liam. Before she could say anything he stepped in and shook his head,

"You do realize that he saw you?"

Jennifer sighed,

"I had to get out of this damn apartment. And I didn't know where you were."

"Where's Chad?"

"He went to the gym. I told him I'd be ok. But once he left I just...I wanted to get out of here."

Liam walked over to the couch, nodding,

"So a club was your first choice? I don't know if you're aware, but they have alcohol at most clubs."

Jennifer threw her hands up,

"I couldn't just sit here!"

Liam ran his hands through his hair,

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