Drabble: The Third Time's The Charm...

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I miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day. I miss the way you say my name when you think I'm being ridiculous. I miss your tiny smile whenever you watch puppies on TV. I miss hearing your voice on my voicemail while you're yelling at idiot drivers.

I miss you.

I know you need this time to figure out what you're doing and who you want to be. If there was one thing about you that always kept me coming back it was to watch your strength as you overcame insurmountable odds. And you did it.

I am so proud of you.

You are the love of my life.


When you are ready, I'll be waiting.


I read that note every morning when I woke up and every night before I went to bed for the next six months. I was heartbroken when I'd awoken the next morning to find Harry gone, my bed empty. But considering the conversation we'd had that night, I don't really know how I could have expected anything more out of him. He loved me, I knew he did. It wasn't just because he said it. I felt it. It was in the way he touched me, the way he whispered in my ear when he was inside of me, the way he looked at me when we were tangled in each other. It was still there, the same look that always had been.

Nothing had changed for either of us as far as the love was concerned.

Which was why I wasn't scared when I called and left a message on his voicemail. I'd been invited by the Alcoholics Anonymous organization to attend their annual convention in Los Angeles. Tracy and Chad were coming as were Liam and Holly, he was my last invite to make.

"Hey, it's me." I was silent for a moment, "I've been invited to speak at a convention this weekend. For AA. I would really like it if you could be there, although I totally understand if you can't." I smiled weakly, "Talk to you soon, I hope. Bye."

He never returned the call and I didn't expect him to. I knew he'd be there anyway.

Chad walked up behind me, winding his arm around my shoulders to hand me a cup of coffee. I could already smell it was stale. He laughed when I turned up my nose,

"Well ya know it wouldn't be AA coffee if it was good."

I took the mug and let a tiny sip of the liquid touch my lips, shaking my head and handing it back to him,


Holly walked in frantically fixing her shirt with Liam behind her looking exhausted. She grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug,

"Sorry we're late." She shot a look at Liam who rolled his eyes.

I shook my head, squeezing her back,

"You're not late."

She pulled away to give Tracy and Chad hugs while Liam stepped in to give me a quick squeeze,

"She's a little on edge." He whispered in my ear.

Which I figured. Holly and Liam were my greatest support system, a job Holly took insanely seriously. I pulled away to kiss Liam's cheek,

"Nothing's started yet. You're not late."

Liam glanced around the room. I knew who he was looking for. He sighed when he looked back at me,

"Not here yet huh?"

I closed my mouth and shook my head. I still wasn't giving up my belief that he would be though. He'd never let me down once, I didn't expect he'd start now.

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