Chapter 17

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Jennifer had spent the last two hours getting dressed for this date. She didn't think she'd ever spent two hours getting ready to do anything. Thankfully Holly's attention was elsewhere with the whole CD debacle. Jennifer hated leaving her to deal with it, but she had to. This was a night she'd been waiting for for the last few months.

It was her night with Harry.

She felt tingly all over. She didn't know if it was the 45 minute long shower she'd taken to exfoliate, shave and moisturize every inch of skin on her body or the fact that in five minutes, Harry would walk through the door of the bus, no doubt looking like he'd stepped off the pages of GQ.

She stared back at herself in the mirror. She was ready for this.

Her heart jumped a bit when she heard the door of the bus close. She gave herself one last glance from all angles in the mirror.

Harry jogged up the steps of the bus,

"Jennifer?" He called out.

"Almost done!" She called back.

He picked up a hoodie off the floor at his feet, reminding himself to tell Niall to pick up his shit the next time he saw him.

Harry's eyes fell on a pair of feet before he came back up with the hoodie. He lifted his head to see Jennifer standing in front of him. His heart stopped when she looked down at him and smiled

"Hey." She said softly.

Harry stood up slowly, his eyes never leaving her body while he took her in from head to toe. Jennifer had always been beautiful to him. An understated beauty that she never really seemed to buy into herself, but he saw whenever he looked in her direction. He didn't think he'd ever seen her wear anything that hugged her body, much less a dress like the one she had on.

Jennifer's earlier assumption had been correct. Harry definitely looked like he'd just gotten done shooting a fashion spread. Dressed head to toe in black, the slightest hint of his butterfly tattoo peeking through his slightly see-through shirt, his hair pulled up into a messy bun, which she loved.

Harry gathered himself, realizing it wasn't polite to stare. He closed the distance between them, his hands landing on her hips gently. He placed a sweet kiss against her mouth,

"I'm not worthy." He said, his voice low.

Jennifer blushed and looked over to the chair where her leather jacket laid. She took a step to grab it but he got there first,

"Let me, please?" He said as he grabbed the jacket.

She smiled and turned her back to him, pulling her hair up. When he slipped her jacket onto her shoulders, she turned to look at him,

"Harry, we can-"

He shook his head,

"Don't worry about paps or anyone else...I took care of it."

She knitted her brows,


He smiled,

"I can't give away all my secrets." When she shot him a look he sighed, "I enlisted the help of a stunt double." When she looked at him like he was nuts he giggled, "There is currently a gentlemen who looks quite like me, with my same body type and mannerisms running around wearing an outfit I would wear and generally being me for the evening."

Her eyes widened,

"Are you serious?"

He nodded,

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