Chapter 25

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Jennifer made herself a promise while she laid awake that night with Harry's arms around her protectively. She wouldn't drink anymore. She'd had her stumble. That was the end of it. She couldn't continue lying to him. Not when he was being so supportive. He didn't deserve it. Once she got herself back under control she would tell him what she'd done. Maybe it would soften the blow if he could see she had managed to get herself together despite a small misstep.

When Harry finally woke up next to her, he cuddled her into him the way he always did. His lips traveling along her shoulder blade. Her eyes fell closed,

"We can't..." She whispered softly.

"Why not?" He asked, his eyes closed as his lips traced a line up her shoulder to her neck.

She licked her lips,

"Mmm..." She moaned softly, stopping his hand before he slid it between her legs, "Started."

He didn't stop his assault with his lips but his hand moved back up to her stomach,

"Terrible timing."

Jennifer smiled,


She reached around to wrap her fingers around his erection, pumping his shaft a few times. He sucked on her neck a bit, leaving a small purple mark before moving on to another spot,

"Fuck...You're driving me crazy, Love."

Jennifer laughed softly just as they were interrupted by his phone ringing. Harry shook his head,

"Ignore it."

The phone rang again after a few moments and Harry rolled onto his back, letting out a deep sigh,


He grabbed his phone,

"Hello?!" He barked into it. Jennifer sat up and pulled her robe back over her shoulders before making her way into the bathroom. She ran some water over her face and then dried it off, taking a few moments to look at herself in the mirror. She felt different after reconnecting with Harry last night. And now that she had a plan, it would be a lot easier to get back on track.

She smiled a genuine smile before turning and walking back out into the room. Harry was just pulling his boxers back on when she walked out. He looked up at her,

"Gotta get to the venue. Sorry."

Jennifer shrugged as she hooked her arms around his waist,

"It's ok. I'll see you tonight at the show right?"

He smiled, hearing her say she was gonna be at the show made him feel like he was walking on air. He pressed his lips to hers,

"You will see me at the show. I'll be one of the ones on stage...singing."

Jennifer laughed,

"Hopefully I'll be able to find you."

She reluctantly released him from her grasp, letting her hands drop from his waist as he walked towards the bathroom. For the first time in a long time she felt like things were going to be ok.


Holly pulled her door open after she heard the knock. She smiled when she saw Jennifer behind the door, looking refreshed. It seemed like something had changed for the better. Holly stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her best friend, squeezing Jennifer tightly into her,

"Hi. It's good to see you."

Jennifer smiled,

"You saw me last night." Holly stepped away as Jennifer closed the door once she'd entered the room, "You said you had some good news. What's going on?"

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