Chapter 11

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Walking out to Harry's bus, Jennifer's heart was in her throat. Rubbing her hands against her jeans did nothing to aid in the dampness pooling in her palms. Her mouth was completely dry. Nervous didn't even begin to explain what was happening to her. Terrified, anxious and in desperate need of a good vomit were closer

The bus was dark from the outside. The tinted windows covering any activity that may or may not have been going on inside. She knew better though. Harry always hung out in his bus for a few hours before actually trekking to the hotel. He didn't like to be rushed.

She stared at the chrome door handle, half expecting the door to open on it's own.

It didn't.

She reached her shaky fingers up to grab the handle and pull on it, her heart skipping a beat when the door clicked and pulled open. There was no going back now.

She took the three stairs up to the inside as slowly as possible. She could hear the stereo was on, blaring Lady Gaga which was odd. Harry was usually more prone to weepy emo music while inside his bus and it was usually not at top volume.

She turned to come around the staircase, her eyes falling on Harry. He was sitting on the couch. Actually more like laying on the couch. He would have been hidden by the girl on top of him had he not been taller than her. She was currently grinding down into him, her mouth devouring his in deep, passionate kisses that definitely weren't the type that needed an audience.

Jennifer's heart splintered right there. Sending shockwaves through her body right down to her fingers and toes. Granted she hadn't expected him to wait around for her, but this was...also not what she expected.

She turned to leave just as she heard his voice,

"What are you doing here?" His tone was not happy.

She turned her head to look back at him, blinking rapidly a few times. She licked her lips,

"Uh...I was just...I got back and I was...I should've - I'll leave."

She turned to leave again,

"Hold up." He said, sitting up quickly, causing the girl on top of him to land on her ass. He looked down at her for a moment and then back up at Jennifer, "I assume you have something you want to say to me?"

"I mean - I did - but it's - we can do it later."
He shook his head,

"No, do it now. So we can get it over with."

Jennifer could have been mistaken but his tone seemed to be one of impatience. But he was right, she needed to get this over with.

She cleared her throat,

"I'm sorry for everything. I took advantage of your generosity and I really shouldn't have."

He waited for her to continue, quirking an eyebrow when she didn't,

"That's it?"

Jennifer was so awkward she could barely stand it. He shook his head,

"After everything you did to me, that's kind of a half assed apology don't you think?"

Jennifer looked down at her hands, clasped together so tightly her knuckles were white. She didn't know what to say or if she should even say anything. She took a deep breath, about to say something when he shook his head and sat back on the couch, pulling the girl back into his lap,

"Cool. Apology accepted. Lock the door when you leave."

Jennifer stared back at him, long enough for him to ram his tongue down the throat of the girl. She walked back down the stairs slowly, closing the door behind her and leaning against it.

Stumbling Into Perfection...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें