Chapter 7

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"Favorite scene from Forrest Gump....go."

20 questions had been going on between Jennifer and Harry for at least two hours now. They'd covered a few subjects. Including the fact that Harry hates wearing makeup, misses his beanie wearing days and thinks Kentucky Fried Chicken is the most disgusting food ever.

Considering how the night had started, things had tamed quite a bit. After the emptying of the liquor bottles in the bathtub, Harry put the trash can with all the bottles out in the hallway in the hopes someone in housekeeping would pick it up and throw them away. He didn't want Jennifer to have to look at them.

He'd ordered some room service complete with the greasiest food the kitchen had in order to soak up the alcohol she'd already drank. Mission accomplished, she wasn't even buzzed anymore.

He balanced the plate of french fries on his lap, his long legs stretched out in front of him on the bed while he leaned against the headboard. Jennifer was propped up on a few pillows, her head down near his feet. She put her feet up against the wall near Harry's head.

Her eyebrows raised,

"Are you gonna answer?"

He dragged a few french fries through the ketchup and pushed them into his mouth,

"I'm thinking. That's a tough one. The answer is important."

Jennifer frowned,

"It's not that tough. You've seen it right?"

He shot her a look,

"Of course I've seen it."

"So what's your answer."

He looked up at the ceiling,

"The end scene...when he found out his son was his and he cried."

Jennifer pulled her eyebrows together,


"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. Just...why?"

Harry shrugged,

"Because he wasn't angry with her or upset she kept it from him. He wasn't selfish in that moment at all even though he had a right to be. He was concerned only with the well-being of his child." He paused, "It was a nice moment." He looked up at her. She was looking back at him with amusement. He smiled, "What?"

"That's so sweet..."

He shook his head,


"What? It's sweet. Harry Styles is a softie."

"Alright then...what's your favorite scene?"

"Bubba going through all the shrimp. Pork shrimp, fried shrimp, shrimp gumbo..." She imitated Bubba causing Harry to burst out laughing. She smiled, "That's way better than yours."

He nodded as he turned to put the plate of fries on the night stand. He sat back against the headboard and set his hand against her leg. Such a small gesture that sent tingles down her spine and curled her toes a bit. She cleared her throat,

"Your turn."

He crossed one leg over the other,

"Who's your celebrity crush?"

She laughed out loud,

"What kind of a question is that?"

"A perfectly good one that deserves an honest answer." He quirked his brows, "Is it me?"

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