Chapter 31

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The room was so silent that once Liam and Jennifer were gone you could actually hear the door click shut.

Niall took a few breaths and looked at Louis.

Louis cleared his throat,

"We should uh...."

Harry stared at the door. He had no idea anyone was even still in the room with him. He felt like he'd just watched his entire life walk out the door in front of him again.

He took a few breaths,

"Jesus...what the fu-"

Niall took Kelly's arm to move her out of the way and then stepped towards Harry. He put his hands on his shoulders,


Harry put his hands on his head,

"What the fuck!??!?!" Harry roared.

Kelly stepped behind Louis. She'd never seen Harry rage before, this was new territory. But he was definitely not ok.

Niall nodded,

"Calm down."

Harry took a few breaths,

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? She just walked in here like it was NO BIG DEAL!!!"

Louis nodded,

"She wasn't about to create a scene in front of all of us."

Harry took another few breaths,

"He knew she was here. He's known she was here the whole time."

Niall nodded,

"It looks that way. But please don't kill him. We're already down a member."

Harry stared back at Niall before grabbing his keys and walking out of the studio.

Niall looked at Louis,

"Jesus Christ." He muttered under his breath.

Louis nodded,

"What the hell was Liam thinking bringing her here?"

Niall sighed, his hands on his hips,

"Harry wasn't supposed to be here. I told Liam he wouldn't be here earlier this morning when he called."

Louis sighed,

"That makes sense, Harry isn't usually up this early."

Kelly held her hand up,

"I guess that's my fault. I wanted breakfast."

She said sheepishly. Niall looked at her, his heart going out to this poor girl who had no idea what she was in the middle of,

"C'mon Kelly....I'll take ya home."


Liam looked at Jennifer as he pulled up to a stop light. She hadn't said a word since the run in with Harry. She'd pulled her hands into her hoodie sleeves and stared out the window. He reached over and touched her knee,

"Hey...tell me what's goin on?"

She took her hand away from her mouth and looked down. Liam took a breath, glancing at the light to make sure it wasn't green and then looking back at her,

"You know I didn't know he was there."

Jennifer nodded,

"I know." She said, barely audible enough for him to hear.

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