Chapter 20

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Jennifer woke up to Harry in her ear, imploring her to open her eyes. He was cute, maybe too cute. Because waking Jennifer up before she was ready was cause for bodily injury.

He traced his fingertips down her bare thigh, his lips forming around her ear lobe,

"Babyyyyy...wake uuuuppppp."

"What do you waaaaaaannnnntttt?" She whined as she turned over onto her back. Harry looked down at her, that's when she realized he'd not only showered without her but he was fully dressed. She lifted her head off the pillow to survey him in his black jeans and white t-shirt and then let her head fall back onto the pillow, "Why are you up? It's dark. No one should be awake when it's dark. It's against nature."

Harry chuckled,

"You're so dramatic in the morning." He pressed his lips to hers softly. He tasted like mint toothpaste, "Remember how I told you we were gonna go somewhere?" Her eyes opened again, regarding him with caution,

"Yeah..." She said suspiciously.

He quirked his brows,

"Today starts our week off. The plane is at the airport waiting for us."

Jennifer took a deep breath,

"Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise."

"The last time you surprised me, you ended up in a dress."

He laughed,

"I took necessary precautions to make sure that never happens again." He patted her arm, "C'mon, we're burning jet fuel and that shit is expensive."

Jennifer sat up, keeping the blanket pushed up to her chest as Harry pushed himself up off the bed,

"I need to pack."

He held up a bag,

"Got it covered."

She watched as he set the bag next to another one, assuming it was his,

"You packed for me? Did you get my-"

"It's in there."

"And my-"

"Yes, that's there too. I promise you I got it all."

Jennifer stared back at him, surprised to find herself believing that he knew her well enough to actually have packed everything she needed. He turned to look at her,


She stood up, keeping the sheet wrapped around her,

"What time is it?"

"It's almost 5."

"Where the hell are we going?" She asked again. He hurried her into the bathroom,

"I told you it was a surprise, now go take a shower woman. You have ten minutes to get out here."


Holly stared at the wall across from her bed. Sleep had eluded her last night. She tossed and turned and replayed her conversation with Liam in her head the entire night.

What the hell was she doing? Pushing him away was almost a reflex. She didn't even know why she was doing it much less if she wanted to.

She reached to grab her phone and dial Jennifer's number but stopped herself from actually dialing. Jennifer was happy now. The happiest Holly had ever seen her. And for once Holly needed to handle her own problems without defaulting to Jennifer to figure everything out.

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