Chapter 5

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Harry trudged his way onto the plane for the 8 hour flight to New York. The plane was dark being that it was already dusk. He smiled when he noticed Jennifer sitting on one of the couches, her head leaned back against the couch, her eyes closed. When he'd suggested that she ride on their plane rather than the commercial flights Holly's record company had set up for them he was ecstatic when she'd accepted. He'd been expecting her to argue the point but she seemed all too happy to ride on a private plane.

He reached down and touched her knee,

"You're in my seat."

Jennifer glanced at the empty couch. Private planes weren't exactly in her repertoire. She hadn't even left the city of LA until Holly got the opening act spot. She looked up at him, her eyes wide,

"There are seats? I'm sorry, I didn't real-"

He giggled and shook his head,

"Messin' with ya."

She shot him a look and closed her eyes again,


He sat down next to her,

"Where's everyone else?"

"Who knows? I don't care either."

Harry raised his eyebrows,

"I thought you and Holly worked things out."

Jennifer bristled at the mention of her best friend,

"I forgave her. I dunno if I'd say we worked things out."

Harry noticed then that Jennifer already had a glass of champagne in her hand. He wondered how many times she'd filled it before he got there. He noticed the alcohol smell coming off of her. He quickly pushed the thoughts out of his mind, Jennifer's state of intoxication was none of his business. She was an adult.

He took a deep breath,

"You ready to get home?"

She nodded,

"More than ready. It's hard to be over here. Y'all drive on the wrong side of the road, anyone ever point that out to you?"

Harry laughed softly,

"Maybe it's you who drives on the wrong side of the road? Ever think of that?"

She opened her eyes and looked over at him,

"I don't think we have enough flight time to get into this conversation." She lifted the champagne glass to her lips, holding his gaze the entire time before closing her eyes again.

A man who looked to be in his early 50′s walked out from the cockpit. Clearly the captain, he smiled wide when he saw Harry,

"Good to see you, Harry."

Harry smiled and shook his hand,

"Nice to see you, George. How's the wife?"

Jennifer popped one eye open to watch Harry while he spoke to the pilot. It seemed like he knew everyone he came in contact with in some capacity. Or maybe he just had one of those personalities where people instantly felt at ease with him. Either way, it was sort of fascinating to watch people gravitate to him. It was no shock to her why he was the most popular member of the band.

George focused on her,

"Who's the young lady?"

Jennifer stood up, stumbling a bit and then righting herself. The two glasses of champagne seemed to be having a bit more of an effect on her than usual. Probably because she hadn't eaten anything. She didn't see it when Harry's smile faltered a bit, his hand coming out to catch her if she fell. She smiled and offered the pilot her hand,

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