Chapter 21

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Liam has been following Holly around the mall for at least the last three hours. He wasn't upset about it, but his feet were starting to hurt. Turns out hiking boots aren't really the best possible choice for hiking around a mall.

Holly walked out of the dressing room of what had to have been the fifteenth store they'd been in. He smiled immediately,

"Looks good."

She raised her eyebrows,

"Really? It's not too frumpy?"

He shook his head,

"Not at all."

"I really like it, but I dunno."

"If you really like it, what's the problem?"

Holly looked at herself in the mirror and nodded,

"You're right." She walked back into the dressing room and closed the door.

Liam sighed, if only his suggestions about her CD were taken so well. He checked his watch and took a deep breath,

"Wanna go grab some dinner?"

"Sure, there's a food court-"

"I mean a nice place. Get dressed up...I come to your door, bring you some flowers..."

Holly poked her head out of the fitting room and looked at him,

He smiled and nodded,

"Yes, Holly. It's not like we haven't done that before."

"I mean, yeah but...I thought you were mad at me."

"Interesting because I figured it was the other way around."

Holly sighed,

"Not mad at you...just...I dunno-"

"Why don't we go to dinner and we can discuss who's mad at whom there? At least the conversation won't be boring."


Harry was uneasy. Actually he was more than uneasy, he was terrified. She called it an Alpine Slide. She made it sound fun. Just riding on a plastic slide down a mountain. It took them about an hour after they'd finished with the cookies (and other things) to get to Winter Park where the slide was. She'd pointed to the slide out the window and that's when Harry's stomach dropped.

She'd said it was a slide down a mountain but he didn't actually think it was a slide down a mountain. It was thin and white. It hardly looked like the kind of thing children did for fun even though Jennifer insisted her parents used to bring her and her brother up here before they split.

Now as they stood in line waiting while the sun set over their shoulders. Harry's anxiety was getting worse and worse as they got to the front of the line. Jennifer looked over at him, a smile spreading across her features when she saw how scared he was,

"Are you ok?"

He nodded, a little too quickly,

"Yeah, I'm great."

"You look like you're about to throw up."
He took a deep breath,

"Throw up? No. Peeing myself is a definite possibility though."

"It's just a slide."

"It's not just a slide. It's a death drop down a mountain."

She laughed and knocked into his shoulder,

"Now who's being dramatic."

He took a deep breath,

"I should have known. Last time you asked me to do something we ended up on a subway without a bodyguard."

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