Chapter 30

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Jennifer grabbed her plate full of chicken and asparagus that she'd just spent an hour cooking and set it on the coffee table in front of the TV. There was a Friends marathon on and she wasn't about to miss it. And after a particularly trying day at treatment, she was ready to veg out and not think.

She headed back into the kitchen for a diet Pepsi when she heard the knock at her door. She glanced back at the TV and frowned, whoever it was she hoped they didn't stay long. She walked towards the front door, stopping dead when she opened it to see Liam and Holly standing on the other side.

Liam took a breath and smiled weakly,


Jennifer's eyes widened as she stared at Holly, who looked like she was about to throw up everywhere,

"Hi." She said after a few moments.

Liam raised his eyebrows,

"Can we come in?"

Jennifer nodded, never once diverting her eyes from Holly's,

"Um...yeah." She finally answered.

She stepped aside and watched as Liam allowed Holly to walk in first. He gave her a look that screamed "I'm sorry." Jennifer just glared at him and shut the door. She cleared her throat and walked into the living room after him. Holly was staring at the plate of food,

"You were gonna eat." Jennifer nodded slowly and then waved her hand,

"No big deal. Wasn't that hungry."

Holly looked at Liam,

"We should have called."

Liam nodded,

"I tried to...she didn't answer."

Jennifer set the Pepsi she'd grabbed down on the kitchen counter and shoved her hands in her back pockets, waiting until they'd finished their conversation.

Liam turned to look at her,

"You ok?"

Jennifer nodded,

"Just waiting until you all stop talking about me like I'm not in the room."

Holly chewed on her lip, she had an awful habit of doing that,


Jennifer shrugged,

"So...I suppose you want an explanation?"

Holly shook her head,

"No, I got that on the way here." She said, smiling weakly at Liam.

Jennifer looked between them,

"Clearly you two have worked everything out. That's good to see."

Holly looked at Liam,

"You told her?"

He nodded, sitting down in front of the TV and grabbing a piece of asparagus,

"Jennifer and I have no secrets." He said so matter of factly that it kind of shocked Holly. There was a time when she and Jennifer had no secrets. Liam turned his nose up, "Ugh, this stuff sucks."

Holly turned back to Jennifer,

"I just wanted to see make sure you were ok."

Jennifer nodded, looking down at herself and then back up at Holly,

"I think I'm fine." She shrugged, "Just been doing what I've been told to do and figure out why I can't seem to stay sober...why I can't stop hurting people I love. You know...your average everyday stuff."

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