Chapter 27

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Liam had packed in record time. One pair of jeans, three t-shirts, some socks and underwear and that was basically it. The pilot was waiting on the tarmac for him and he didn't want Jennifer to have to be alone anymore than was absolutely necessary.

He was just about to grab his bag and slip out unnoticed when he heard a knock at his door. He contemplated ignoring it. The last thing he needed was questions about why he was packing. He looked up at the door,

"Who is it?" He asked softly.

"It's me." He heard Harry's voice and he raised his eyebrows.

He glanced around his room for a hiding spot for his bag before quickly shoving the suitcase into the bathroom. He opened the door. In a word, Harry looked exhausted. Liam tried his best to paste a look on his face that wasn't easily readable as a look that said he knew all about what had happened with Jennifer,

"Sup, Mate?"

Harry gestured into the room,

"Can I come in?"

Liam stepped aside, watching as his friend walked in by him. He took a deep breath and closed the door once Harry was inside. He shoved his hands into his back pockets,

"Somethin' wrong?" Liam asked.

Harry nodded,

"She left."

"Who left?"

"Jennifer. I don't wanna get into details two were friends. She ever mention to you some place she might go? I mean, I know she had an apartment with Holly in LA, but I don't think she'd go there."

Liam shrugged and shook his head,

"Did you try callin' her?"

Harry ran a hand through his hair,

"She won't answer even if I do. I know that much."

Liam raised his eyebrows,

"You never know. She might." He replied, thinking he was probably lucky that Jennifer had picked up for him.

Harry shook his head,

"She came back to the room drunk last night. So drunk. It scared the hell out of me." Liam nodded but didn't say anything. Harry took a breath, "So I woke up this morning and tried to talk to her and she just wouldn't talk." He clenched his fists as the anger finally hit him, "God, why won't she ever just talk to me?"

Liam watched as his friend tore himself apart in front of him. He felt terrible. But he knew that if he was going to reach Jennifer, if he was going to help at all so she and Harry would have a chance in the future, he needed to play this by her rules.

He took a deep breath,

"I spent some time with Jennifer when she came back from treatment. But not since then really. I wish I could be more help." He answered softly.

Harry nodded as he stared at the floor. He looked a million miles away,

"It seems like no matter what I do it doesn't help anything. I feel like I'm drowning." He took a deep breath, "I can't let her go." He whispered.

Liam reach out to put his hand on Harry's shoulder. He was doing this for Harry. He just needed to keep telling himself that,

"I know, brother."

Harry looked up at him,

"If you hear from her, you'll tell me..."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Liam nodded, feeling emptiness in the pit of his stomach,

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